1. Call to Order - The meeting was called to order at 6:32 P.M.
2. Certify Quorum - The board members present were John Tenney, Ron
Wiley, Myron Davis, Harold Engold, Cookie Symons, Bob Hopper and Dennis
Horazak. A quorum was present. Also present were Neighborhood Watch Coordinator
Sandy Horazak and Manager Tonya Martinez.
3. Proof of Notice: Proof of notice was given.
4. Adoption of Agenda: Dennis Horazak made a motion to approve the
agenda. Ron Wiley seconded the motion and the motion was carried.
5. Approval of Minutes: Two corrections were made to the November
18, 2008 minutes: the name of the location was changed from Exit Realty
to Connect Realty, and John Tenney's statement under Neighborhood watch
was revised and moved to COPS Committee. Harold Engold made a motion to
accept the minutes as corrected. Bob Hopper seconded the motion and the
motion was carried.
6. Reports of Officers
A. Treasurer Myron Davis summarized the 2008 financial report, noting an ending surplus of $2462. Aged owner balances were reviewed, after which Ron Wiley volunteered to get copies of the official paperwork and contact the owner of Lot 42 (603 Spring Island Way) about payments. Sandy Horazak and Cookie Symons noted that the property at Lot 45 (523 Spring Island Way) had been abandoned and in foreclosure last year. John Tenney will investigate that delinquency and determine whether that situation has changed.
7. Reports of Committees
A. Architectural Review Committee: Harold Engold reported that only one application was received since the last meeting, and that this application for a solar panel was approved. The last neighborhood inspection was in December, and the next one will be in January.
B. Grounds Maintenance Committee: Ron Wiley reported that annuals had been planted and Christmas lights had been placed at the entrances. We need to start thinking about the upcoming landscape management contract.
C. COPS Committee: Harold Engold reported good news and bad news about the COPS program. The good news is that he is completing his training for the program; the bad news is that, as of January 2009, required training will be increased to 30 hours. We hope to get a car in February.
D. Neighborhood Watch: Sandy Horazak reported no crimes since the last meeting.
E. Newsletter: Sandy Horazak confirmed February 1 as the copy due date for the next Cypress Isles News. A pair of skates was found at the front entrance and will be noted in the next issue if their owner has not been located before then.
8. Report of the Association Manager: Manager Tonya Martinez gave
her report for November and December.
9. New Business
A. Holiday Lighting Contest: Dennis Horazak reported that the winners of the December 14th Holiday Lighting contest were:
Ron & Jennifer Williams, 849 Spring Island Way - First place
The Reyes family at 517 Spring Island Way - Second place
The Haight family of 707 Cedarwood Court - Third place
The Janoske family of 505 Spring Island Way - Honorable MentionThe names of the winners have been posted on the Cypress Isles website. Dennis will deliver award certificates for John to sign and present to the winners as the award signs are retrieved.
B. WLCA Meetings: John Tenney will represent Cypress Isles at the WLCA Annual Meeting on January 26th at 7:00 p.m. in the Media Center of Discovery Middle School. Dennis Horazak announced the WLCA Disaster Networking Workshop to be held on February 2nd at 7:00 p.m. in the Media Center of Discovery Middle School.
C. Next meetings: Cookie Symons made a motion to schedule future board meetings on the third Tuesday of the month, starting March 17th. Dennis Horazak seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.
D. Management Company Discussions: proposals from three management companies were discussed, but no action was taken.
10. Adjournment - Dennis Horazak moved for adjournment, Cookie Symons
seconded the motion, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:02 P.M.
Submitted by: _________________________ Approved by: __________________