Cypress Isles
Board of Directors Meeting
January 21, 2003 6:30 p.m.
Orange County Library - Alafaya branch, 12000 Colonial Drive


Board members present:
Sonya Barsness, Chip Crane, Myron Davis, Steve Hartman, Larry Sheeler (present until point 9), Jean Thomsin and Cookie Symons. Tom Tempfer, Property Manager from Penn First was also present. In addition there were 7 homeowners present.

1. Call to Order
President Larry Sheeler called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m.

2. Certify Quorum
All 7 board members present. Quorum established.

3. Proof of Notice
Proof of Notice was given.

4. Approval of minutes from previous meeting
The minutes of the November 19, 2002 meeting were approved as submitted.

5. Financial Report
Myron Davis presented the Income/Expense Statement and Balance Sheet for the period ending 11/30/02. Our expenses year-to-date are OK running 19% below budget. The Board also reviewed the Delinquency Report. Myron mentioned that there are zero outstanding dues to be paid as of the end of December.
Myron made the motion to write off the small open amounts of less than $1.00. The motion was seconded by Sonya Barsness and approved unanimously.

6. Committee Reports
Newsletter - Sandy Horazak mentioned that she is still waiting for articles from the board. An update on the entrance lights (see Ron's story below) will be included. The board has until Monday 1/27 to submit articles to Sandy.
Neighborhood Watch - Cookie mentioned she is working with Myron to update the homeowner address list. It has been quiet in the neighborhood over the holidays. One incident has been reported of a college kid driving over a lawn late one night.
ARC - Tom Tempfer reported that during a follow-up drive around it appeared that 48 homeowners had failed to take action after the 88 friendly reminders which had been issued during the walk-through in November. The Board reviewed the proposed letter and directed that one sentence be changed. It was agreed to send these homeowners a reminder letter. One homeowner received a doorknocker asking removal of grass from newly installed concrete tree rings.
Hats Off and Yard of the Month - Chip Crane mentioned that he will continue the yard of the month in February.

7. Entrance Lights
Ron Wiley reported on a fairly extensive effort in which he has looked at all the 23 entrances of Waterford Lakes Communities on Mark Twain and Lake Underhill. He mentioned that installing a meter outlet combination for each light might save considerably since boring under the road surface could be omitted or minimized. Ron is working on further installation and operating cost details. He also asked the board to look at 4 examples of entrance light set-ups: 1. Bradfordt Lakes, 2. Waterford Cove, 3. Emerald Trace, and 4. Bradfordt Village. The board agreed to indicate their preferred set-up to Ron (via e-mail) by Monday 1/27. In the meantime a preliminary set-up can be seen at the right side front entrance from 7:00 to 10:00 PM this week. The set-up will draw power from a homeowner's house. The Board commended Ron for his hard work.

8. Old Business
Road resurfacing - Tom Tempfer provided a copy of a letter from Orange County, Public Works Department, Road & Drainage Division, dated Nov. 27, 2002. The OC department is planning to install 'underdrain' in two sections of Spring Island Way within the next four months and then monitor the area for 6-8 weeks. After that the Cypress Isles subdivision will be milled and overlaid (re-surfaced) together with Jade Forest and Barrington. The total project will take approximately 4-6 months and is subject to budget availability.
Replacing dead or missing trees - Jean Thomsin mentioned that 15 to 20 homeowners have a not-growing, dead or missing tree. He will try to organize additional free trees (Winged Elms) from Orange County for interested homeowners during spring (March or April).

9. New Business
Board meetings every other month? - Jean Thomsin and some other board members have expressed interest in the possibility to limit the number of meetings. Myron Davis raised the issue that with less board meetings the Penn First Management fee should be reduced. Larry Sheeler excused himself from the meeting to avoid any appearance of conflict of interest. As Vice-President Steve Hartman became chair of the meeting. Steve Hartman pointed out that our contract with Penn First talks about a number board and/or general meetings of up to 12 per year. The contract has not been itemized per meeting. It was agreed to decide at the end of each meeting if there should be a meeting next month.

10. Open Forum
Welcome package
- Ron Wiley suggested that hardcopies of the welcome package should be made available to all new homeowners. Both Cookie Symons and Myron Davis offered to make hardcopies available as needed. Sonya Barsness requested that she be kept informed if new homeowners had been contacted and issued a copy of the package already.
Entrance Lights - One homeowner expressed his utter frustration with the fact that after discussing the issue for some three years already, we still don't have lights. It was mentioned that in part this was due to tightening of the permitting rules by the county.
Annual Meeting - Jean Thomsin asked when the annual membership meeting should be held. Cookie Symons mentioned that March was out, because it is hard to get enough homeowners to the meeting due to spring break. It was suggested to hold the meeting in April just like last year.

11. Next Meeting
There was general agreement to hold a February Board meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 18th at 6:30 p.m.

12. Adjournment

Steve Hartman made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Sonya Barsness. The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 pm.


______________________ _______________________
Notes submitted by Board of Directors
Jean Thomsin
Secretary of the Board