Board members and homeowners present:
Dennis Horazak, Myron Davis, Lee Blackwell, & Ron Wiley
Absent was: Bill Snook
Rex Bowman Property Manager
5 homeowners were present
1. Call to Order
President Dennis Horazak called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm
2. Certify Quorum
4 of 5 Board members were present, thus establishing a quorum
3. Proof of Notice
Proof of notice was given
4. Opening remarks
The President welcomed the homeowners present and explained the meeting
5. Approval of agenda
The President, Dennis Horazak, presented the meeting agenda. A motion was
made by Ron Wiley to approve and Lee Blackwell made a second. Approved unanimously.
6. Approval of minutes
Minutes of the January 18, 2005 Board meeting were presented. A motion to
accept the minutes was made by Ron Wiley, seconded by Myron Davis and unanimously
approved by the Board.
7. Financial report
a. Myron Davis gave the financial report. Myron reported that he had mailed
the check to Matt Firestone.
b. Lot 114 and activity by Matt Firestone was discussed. The board requested
management draft a letter to Matt Firestone to get board approval before
any billable activity is completed in the future. Board also requested that
management request that Matt Firestone provide a complete history of lot
114 to determine our place in line of creditors and the Cypress Isle loss
exposure going forward.
c. Delinquencies - Only one major delinquency still exists, lot 114, of
8. Committee Reports
a. Renew Grant was discussed by Lee Blackwell giving all details and requirements
of the program. Lee asked to hold remaining discussion until after the committee
reports were given.
b. Entrance Refurbishment Committee presented their plans. Jean Thomsin
described the proposed replacement and new plant species at both entrances.
Claudia Rilea explained all 3 (three) areas they were focusing on as well
as quotes they had already received, including Signage, Lighting, and Brickwork.
Committee agreed to have all quotes in by the next board meeting. (Lee Blackwell
will handle the landscaping quotes.) The Board decided to postpone or eliminate
the planting of annuals at the entrances during the next quarter until the
work on the structural aspects of the entrances is complete.
c. Street Trees - After some discussion it was determined that homeowners
would be offered 3 (three) trees they could plant: Bald Cypress, Sand Live
Oak, and Red Maple. Crape Myrtle would be offered for cul-de-sac-s, such
as the ends of Cedarwood Court, Spring Haven Court, White Cedar Court, and
at the top of Divine Circle. Motion to adopt above plan was made by Dennis
Horazak and second was given by Ron Wiley. Approved unanimously by the board.
This information would be sent to all homeowners in the next newsletter.
d. Paint colors. Lee Blackwell suggested, because of all the activity refurbishing
both entrances, that the selection of standard colors for homes and fences
as well as fence maintenance standards be tabled until after April. These
items were tabled.
e. Architectural Review Committee reported 5 ARC request had been received
and 2 homeowners had been visited to consider their requests. Request for
more volunteers for the ARC was made and one homeowner at the meeting said
consideration would be given to the idea.
f. With committee reports given, Lee Blackwell completed information on
the Renew Grants including attendance at the Grant Workshop and submittal
timetable requirements. Lee said after talking with Mark Lewis he believes
Cypress Isles has an excellent chance of receiving a grant. Lee Blackwell
made a motion to submit a letter of intent to Orange County before 02/18/2005
on behalf of the HOA of Cypress Isles for the amount of $25,000. ($12,500
from Orange County and a matching $12,500 from Cypress Isles reserves).
Myron Davis gave a second and motion passed unanimously.
g. Dennis Horazak announced he was very pleased with the response he received
from the board request for a volunteer for Neighborhood Watch Coordinator.
He actually received 3 (three) volunteers from the block captain group.
Although it will not be final until a meeting is held with Cpl. Marion Hultgreen,
it looks like Kim Schmitt will be the Neighborhood Watch Coordinator and
Christine Culbertson will be Neighborhood Watch Assistant Coordinator.
9. Old Business
10. New Business
A. Timetable for annual Members Meeting and Elections was discussed. Lee
Blackwell made a motion to have the Annual meeting on our May 17, 2005 meeting.
Dennis Horazak gave the second. Approved 4 to 1, with Bill Snook having
previously written in favor of April 19th.
11. The next meeting will be March 15, 2005 at Exit Real Estate Offices.
12. Adjournment - Motion to adjourn by Myron Davis and seconded by
Lee Blackwell, unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:42 pm
_______________________ ________________________
Minutes submitted by Board of Directors
Rex Bowman
Community Association Manager