Members present: Bill Snook, Myron Davis, Steve Hartman, Jean Thomsin, and Cookie Symons. Larry Sheeler arrived at 7:50pm. Quorum established. Members absent: Lee Blackwell. Also present: Neil Thomas, and Tom Tempfer, Property Managers from Penn First.
Proof of Notice was given. Meeting called to order at 6:30pm.
The minutes from the January 15, 2002 meeting were reviewed. Jean moved to approve. Seconded by Bill. Unanimously accepted as presented.
Financial Report
Financials presented by Myron for the period ending December 31, 2001. There
was discussion regarding the delinquent accounts. Steve and Myron volunteered
to talk with account #50. The Financial Report was accepted as presented.
Committee Reports
ARC Committee: Cookie reported that a drive-through was done with Tom Tempfer
and Yard of the Month was awarded to 606 Divine Circle. Chip discussed the
possibility of approaching businesses such as nurseries, Lowes or Home Depot
to see if they would sponsor award certificates for the Yard of the Month.
A motion was made my Steve that the board seek monthly sponsors to supply
an award to be given to the Yard of the Month winner. Seconded by Jean.
The motion passed unanimously.
There was discussion regarding a house with unsightly stucco repairs. The board will look at the home and discuss it at the next meeting.
Chip reported that a "Hats Off" letter was sent to 762 Spring Island Way.
Neighborhood Watch: Cookie reported that things had been quiet. She reminded everyone that things need to be reported when they happen. Most things have been reported too far past the event.
Newsletter Committee: The new edition went out and a new printer that was used saved on printing costs.
Old Business
Adelphia Rock: Nothing to report.
Entrance Lighting: Tom Tempfer reviewed a handout that outlined an estimate for all of the work involved. A motion was made by Jean to increase the dollar amount approved for the entrance lighting. Project to $5200.00. Seconded by Cookie. The motion passed by a vote of 4 to 1 with Myron voting against it.
Street Trees: Jean reviewed the results from his inspection of all the
neighborhood trees. A lengthy discussion followed. Jean volunteered to write
a letter to a number of owners including 19 that were previously requested
to replace trees; 8 that have side yard locations that would be good to
add a tree; and 15 houses that have no street tree. The option of using
trees provided by Orange County through the Street Scape Program will be
New Business
There was a short discussion regarding new Christmas decorations for next
There was discussion in regards to filling the vacancy left on the Board by Lee Blackwell's resignation. It was decided that the Board would wait until the annual meeting.
The next annual meeting is scheduled for April 16, 2002.
Open Forum
There was discussion about streetlights. A concern that there were two areas
in the neighborhood where there is too long of a distance between streetlights
was voiced.
An owner offered to sponsor a monthly newsletter for the community. She identified herself as a real estate agent and offered free advertisement to other residents of the neighborhood.
Motion to adjourn by Steve. Seconded by Larry. Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm.