Board members and homeowners present:
Chip Crane, Myron Davis, Dennis Horazak, Larry Sheeler, Bill Snook, Cookie
Symons, Jean Thomsin and Ron Wiley. (Absent: Steve Hartman)
In addition there were 4 homeowners present and Tom Bontrager of Penn First
1. Call to Order
President Dennis Horazak called the meeting to order at 6:41 p.m.
2. Certify Quorum
8 of the 9 board members present: Quorum established.
3. Proof of Notice
Proof of Notice was given.
4. Approval of minutes from previous meeting
Jean Thomsin made the motion to approve the minutes of the January 20, 2004
meeting as submitted. Seconded by Ron Wiley and approved unanimously.
5. Financial Report
A. Jan. 2004 financials: Myron Davis reported that we had a positive variance
of $56 over budget through February. The total equity stands at $16,245.
B. Collections status as of March 11, 2004:
Lot 27 - During 2003 a payment has been made to the Master Association in
stead of the Cypress Isles. Larry Sheeler made a motion that he drafts a
letter to the Master Association asking for a refund to our account of this
money. The letter will be signed by Dennis Horazak President. The motion
was seconded by Bill Snook and was approved unanimously.
Lot 114 - Larry Sheeler made a motion to obtain a title report. The motion
was seconded by Chip Crane and was approved unanimously.
Lot 137 - Homeowner paid in full 3/1/04.
Lot 50 - Late notices were sent 2/12/04; Intent to lien letters to be sent
week of 3/15/04
Lot 53 - Late notices were sent 2/12/04; Intent to lien letters to be sent
week of 3/15/04
Jean Thomsin made the motion to absorb the outstanding balances of the four
accounts (13, 43, 61 and 137) that were under $1.00. Cookie Symons seconded
and the motion was approved unanimously.
6. Committee Reports
A. ARC and Violation report: Chip Crane announced his resignation as member
of the board, due to his imminent move and busy schedule, as of March 17,
2004. Larry Sheeler made a motion to appoint Bill Snook acting ARC chair
person until the April 20 membership meeting and board election. The motion
was seconded by Jean Thomsin, agreed to by Bill Snook, and was approved
unanimously. Ron Wiley mentioned that one of his neighbors complained that
bags of mulch were visible in a neighbor's yard. Chip Crane answered that
this is only a problem if it is visible from the road and if the bags are
there for longer than say one week.
B. Neighborhood Watch report: Cookie Symons reported that all has been quiet
in the neighborhood
C. By-Laws Committee: Jean Thomsin mentioned that there has been no further
input on the proposed by-laws from the board members. Penn First Management
(Tom Bontrager, et al) has replied to the request for specific comments
and needed changes for the Sections 'Past Due Assessments' and 'Collection
Procedures' (Article VI Sections 3 and 4). (See also 7.A below). There is
no legal obligation to have by-laws and any by-laws do not have to be recorded
with Orange County or the State. Jean made the motion to include the final
version of "Past Due Assessments and Collection Procedures" and
adopt the proposed By-Laws simply as "Present Board Practice Guidelines".
These guidelines are in line both with the "Articles of Incorporation"
and the "Declaration of Neighborhood Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions"
(The Docs). The motion was seconded by Ron Wiley and was approved unanimously.
D. Holiday Lighting Contest: After input from Bill Snook, Dennis finalized
the 'Award Certificates' and handed them, together with the prize amounts,
to the 3 contest winners.
E. Newsletter: Dennis Horazak mentioned that the next newsletter will be
issued in May after the April 20 board election.
7. Old Business
A. Comments and Changes to "Past Due Assessments and Collection Procedures":
Dennis Horazak distributed a copy of the procedures as modified by Penn
Management. The document describes our present practices. After a discussion
in regard to the timing of 'intent to lien' and 'place a lien' it appeared
that some clarification was warranted. Jean Thomsin suggested that a visual
time-line might be helpful. Dennis Horazak will add the time-line and distribute
this and the document for comment to the board members.
B. Welcome Packets: Dennis Horazak showed two bound versions of the 'welcome
packet' (revised 2/7/04). A spiral-bound copy cost $6.59 and a 1-inch 3-ring
binder copy cost $3.40. It was agreed to purchase an initial quantity of
15 3-ring binder copies. The advantage of a binder is that Association related
documents can be filed with the welcome packet.
C. Cypress Isles Festival: Dennis Horazak mentioned that a Cypress Isles
festival best can be held in late October or early November.
8. New Business
A. Board Elections in April:
The yearly board member election will be held during the annual member meeting
on Tuesday April 20th, 2004. Tom Bontrager mentioned that he had booked
the small room at the Library for the meeting. It was thought that the room
might be too small. Tom will check if the larger room at the Publix Supermarket
(Alafaya Commons) will be available. Tom mentioned that the 'Annual Meeting
invitation', the 'Proxy' and 'Candidate Information Sheet' will be mailed
to all Cypress Isles Homeowners this week.
Jean Thomsin (Secretary) will administer the number of proxies for the April
B. Board Elections in April:
Five of the eight current board members present -- Bill Snook, Dennis Horazak,
Larry Sheeler, Myron Davis and Ron Wiley -- will seek re-election. It was
agreed to try to encourage additional homeowners to run for election and
decide via a motion at the April meeting on an odd number of directors (Max
9). Just like last year, Ron Wiley will place some additional signs in the
neighborhood during the days before the election.
C. Institutional Memory: Dennis Horazak mentioned that it would be very
helpful for the new board members to have available information that was
developed by previous board members. Each (leaving) board member is asked
to submit a 'Director's Report' indicating past activities and achievements.
Jean Thomsin mentioned that e.g. finalizing the By-Laws proposal in the
form of "Present Board Practice Guidelines" was an attempt to
do just that.
9. Open Forum
Jean Thomsin mentioned that the light at the right back entrance (coming
into Cypress Isles) does not work. Ron Wiley will look at this and replace
the halogen lamp.
10. Schedule next meeting
The next Annual membership meeting is scheduled for Tuesday April 20th,
2004 at 7:00 p.m. (subsequent to the meeting, the location was changed to
the Publix Supermarket.)
11. Adjournment
Larry Sheeler made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Cookie Symons. The
meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
___________________ _______________________
Notes submitted by Board of Directors
Jean Thomsin
Secretary of the Board