Cypress Isles
Waterford Lakes Tract N-25A Neighborhood Association, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting
March 18, 2008
Office of Exit Real Estate
11555 Lake Underhill Road



Board members present: Myron Davis, Harold Engold, Dennis Horazak, Cookie Symons, John Tenney, and Ron Wiley. Also present were Property Manager Judith Meldrum, Newsletter Editor Sandy Horazak, Block Captain Gail Strachan, and homeowners Frank and Kim Gallagher.

1. Call to Order - President Ron Wiley called the meeting to order at 6:33 pm.

2. Certify Quorum - Six of seven Board members were present, thus establishing a quorum.

3. Proof of Notice was given.

4. Approval of Agenda - John Tenney added the Traffic Committee report to the Agenda, after which it was approved unanimously.

5. Approval of Minutes - Harold moved that the January 15, 2008 minutes be approved as written, Cookie seconded, and the minutes were approved unanimously.

6. Community Manager's Report - Judith Meldrum reported that the missing budgeted amount for newsletter expense had been fixed. She presented the delinquent account summary, and had previously delivered February's financials and ARC violation list; secured two bids for entrance sign cleaning (see New Business for more details); and investigated and resolved performance issues with our landscaper (see New Business for more details). Three homeowners who had not sent their $7 (the difference between 2007 and 2008 fees) by January 31 were sent statements that are now accruing interest.

7. Financial Report - Myron Davis summarized the financial report and noted problems: the separate account containing the 2007 operating surplus was not shown, and the actual assessment showed cash amounts instead of billed amounts. Judith will resolve both problems and email the board with the resolutions.

8. Architectural Review Committee: Harold Engold reported that three ARC applications were received and processed since the January meeting. The drive-through inspections revealed several driveways and sidewalks in need of cleaning, most of which are now being power-washed. Cookie mentioned that the article about power washing in the February Cypress Isles News was also helpful. Door-knockers will be posted for dirty driveways and sidewalks after next month's drive-through.

A large landscaper's trailer has been parked in front of 738 Spring Island Way for some time. Judith will notify the new owner by letter and offer to email our covenant documents.

Myron made a motion for the property manager to report the 4-year-old chimney disrepair at 744 Spring Island Way to Orange County as a possible code violation. Dennis seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. If the problem is not a code violation, then the board will begin the mediation process.

636 Divine Circle has had outstanding ARC violations for some time, and our attorney has sent a compliance demand letter to the owner. Even though the owner has since corrected the violations, there was still the issue of attorney fees incurred to bring the matter to resolution. The Board requested that the manager send an invoice to the owner with a letter quoting Article IX, Section 1 of the Cypress Isles Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, which authorizes the collection of legal fees, to wit: "Failure of the Owner to comply with such restrictions, covenants, or rules and regulations shall be grounds for action which may include, without limitation, an action to recover sums due for damages, injunctive relief, or any combination thereof, including costs and attorneys' fees incurred in bringing such actions, and if necessary, costs and attorneys' fees for appellate review. The Neighborhood Association shall have the right to suspend voting rights and use of Neighborhood Common Property and lakes for any Owner violating the Neighborhood Declaration (or the rules and regulations or provisions of the Master Declaration) for a period of time which is the longer of sixty (60) days or the tern of continued violation. The neighborhood Association (where violation has occurred with respect to a Unit within the jurisdiction of the Neighborhood Association) shall have the right to enforce the provisions of this Neighborhood Declaration through eviction proceedings or other self-help procedures appropriate to the violation."

9. Newsletter - Sandy Horazak reported that the deadline for the May 2008 Cypress Isles News is May 1, 2008. John Tenney remarked that another person might be interested in advertising, so Sandy will contact the prospective advertiser with an advertising rate sheet.

10. Neighborhood Watch - Dennis read John Culbertson's emailed report. At the current time about half the block captains have fully updated their address lists, and John has secured Tom Tong as the new block captain for Block 1 at the front of the neighborhood, replacing Yolanda Figueroa. John's goal before the end of the current Board term is: (1) to get updated contact lists from the remaining block captains, (2) to secure block captains for the two remaining vacancies, and (3) to schedule a meeting with all captains and the new Orange County Sheriff's community liaison for East Orange County.

Jade Forest and Waterford Reserve have asked to be included in our neighborhood watch and COPS programs. After some discussion the Board decided to invite them to our meetings and share any advice, but not to dilute our patrols by sharing patrols.

11. ReNEW Grant - There has been no activity from Orange County regarding the questionnaires for Spring Island Way residents.

12. Traffic Committee - John Tenney reported that the new traffic light at Waterford Chase Parkway and Lake Underhill Road has helped reduce cut-through traffic, but the cut-through traffic is starting to increase again west of Lakes Way. The Committee is considering another park-in-the-street night.
Our regular off-duty deputy has been unavailable due to serious illness, so Cookie will contact Orange County Sheriff Department for a replacement officer for speed control.

13. Unfinished Business:

a. Changes to Legal Documents: Dennis presented the results of his and Ron's review of the Cypress Isles legal documents in a draft letter they prepared for our attorney. The letter indicate the parts of the documents that would probably have to change to comply with recent changes in state laws and WLCA regulations, referring to the Cypress Isles ARC paint color book, and hopefully clarifying short-duration parking of otherwise prohibited vehicles. Board members suggested some additional changes, which Dennis will incorporate into the next draft and email it to the Board for review. A Board-approved version will be sent to Cypress Isles's attorneys for analysis and implementation.

14. New Business:

a. Entrance signage cleaning - Judith presented bids from Dwights Cleaning Service and Steve Morgan Pressure Washing to clean the entrance signs for $500 and $575, respectively. Judith mentioned that other neighborhoods with small projects hire local workers who are paid by Board members, who submit their paid bills to the property manager for reimbursement. This two-step process removes the association from liability exposure. Cookie made a motion, which Myron seconded, to accept Ryan Rilea's original bid of $200, to be paid by a Board member. John Tenney proposed an amendment, seconded by Cookie, to have Ryan sign a Hold Harmless and a Waiver of Subrogation agreement as part of the deal. Both the amendment and the amended motion passed unanimously. Sandy Horazak volunteered to pay for the work, Dennis agreed, and will submit the paid bill to the property manager for reimbursement.
b. Garage Sale - A homeowner not in attendance had asked Cypress Isles to sponsor a community-wide garage sale. The permit for such a sale would cost $13.00 for the first house plus $0.50 for each additional house. After some discussion the Board decided not to sponsor the sale, but to let homeowners act individually.
c. WLCA ARC Letter - Cypress Isles received the lawsuit-related request from WLCA on February 21st, which was handled in executive sessions. The Board drafted a reply, sent it to our attorney for review, and hand-delivered it to WLCA on March 14th.
d. Landscape Management - Following complaints of inactivity, Judith contacted Carol King Landscaping and learned that their account manager had forgotten our neighborhood, but is now fully involved, beginning with new annuals at the back entrance and mulch all around. During the slack period, Carol King missed one of the contracted two-per-quarter plantings, and one application of fertilizer and pest control. These omissions should be treated as credits.
e. Annual Meeting - Dennis presented updated election documents for the May 20th Annual Meeting, including invitation letter, agenda, proxy, candidate information sheet, and ballot sheet. Dennis will email these Word documents to Judith.

15. The next meeting is the Annual Meeting on May 20th, 2008, to be followed immediately by the organizational meeting for the new board. The next Board meeting after that will be July 22nd.

16. Adjournment - Harold moved to adjourn the meeting, John Tenney seconded, the motion was approved unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:34 pm.



Submitted by: _________________________ Approved by: __________________
Dennis Horazak, Secretary