May 17, 2005

" Board members present: Myron Davis, Dennis Horazak, Lee Blackwell and Ron Wiley.
" Absent from board was Bill Snook
" Also in attendance, Rex Bowman, Community Management Professionals.
" There were also 10 homeowners in attendance (9 lots represented)

Call to order
" Dennis Horazak called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M.

Certify quorum
" Quorum certified: 9 Homeowners/lots + 42 Proxies = 51 (Required quorum is 30% of 140 = 42).

Proof of notice of meeting
" Proof of notice presented.

Approval of minutes of May 18, 2004 annual member meeting
" Lee Blackwell made the motion to accept the minutes of previous annual member meeting of May 18, 2004 as written. The motion was seconded by John Thomsin and passed unanimously.

" Myron Davis gave Financial Report for 2005 through April 30, 2004. The balance sheet shows total assets of $19,855.67 of which $6,556.61 is in operating fund. A variance of $6,109.94 is shown because of tree trimming and removal due to hurricane damage.
" Upon a question of a homeowner, it was explained that the coupon books were not budgeted because in the past the management company took care of both the master and the community.
" The Financial Report was accepted as written.

President's Report - Given by Dennis Horazak
Thanks, in alphabetical order
1. Lee Blackwell was the driving force behind replacing our landscaping contractor with Kirkland and replacing our management company with Community Management Professionals - both big improvements. Lee also composed and submitted a 56-page request to Orange County for a ReNew Grant, which you'll hear more about later. Lee is also our one-man ARC, a job he would like to share with three or four other homeowners.
2. Dennis Bode continues as our webmaster maintaining our website, which is still the best website in Waterford Lakes.
3. Rex Bowman is our very helpful property manager from Community Management Professionals - a huge improvement over their predecessors.
4. Christine Culbertson is the new deputy coordinator of our Neighborhood Watch, helping to revitalize that program.
5. Myron Davis has been our conscientious Treasurer for as long as we've been an association. Myron keeps us on budget, and last year to rescued our financial records from our obstinate previous management company using heroic efforts, even calling in the police to help.
6. Sandy Horazak is editor of the Cypress Isles News, the Welcome packet, and other "breaking news" flyers such as the alligator alert.
7. Claudia and Scott Rilea worked tirelessly to research and assemble all the bids for the signage and structural aspects of the ReNew Grant.
8. Kim Schmitt is our new Neighborhood Watch Coordinator, revitalizing that program.
9. Bill Snook, member of the Board since the beginning and our current Secretary, is leaving after years of being a steadying presence on the Board.
10. Cookie Symons dedicated years of service to the Board, the ARC, and the Neighborhood Watch Program. She and Myron Davis recruited the first block captains and organized the first program. They have stepped down due to other responsibilities.
11. Jean Thomsin is a master gardener and former Board member who developed the landscaping plans for the entrance refurbishment, and who continues to assist us with issues involving the plant kingdom.
12. Ron Wiley is our vice president who has filled in for me on several occasions and brings stability to the discussions.
13. The homeowners who attend these meetings are helping the neighborhood by showing interest and being involved.


Challenges and Plans
1. Fee stability should not be a big problem, fortunately, due to our history of careful annual budgeting and building reserves.
2. The ARC will be dealing with bolder colors on houses and fences; but more on that later.
3. Entrances - after years of inattention, and now with one of our signs stolen, the entrances will be refurbished, funded by a combination of OC ReNew grant and CI Reserves. More on that later.
4. Hurricane-damaged trees are still in the woods, and need to be tagged for removal.
5. Networking - Most of the news in Cypress Isles can wait for the next quarterly newsletter, which is a good thing because it means we have a calm neighborhood to come home to. Sometimes, however, faster communication would be useful, such as when the 'gator was sighted in a retention pond, or when petitions were being circulated about a proposed nearby cell tower. Also, Cypress Isles is a member of the Orange County Neighborhood Organization Directory, which sends out notices almost weekly about free seminars on topics that may be of interest to our residents. Perhaps an email network, either formal or informal, would the best way to get this information to people who are interested.
6. Biggest challenge has been, and continues to be, getting people to help do some of the work. We have a nice neighborhood with reasonable fees, but we need more people to do what needs to be done. The current one-man ARC needs more people to maintain standards and process the steady stream of ARC applications, and we can always use more level-headed Directors on the Board. We also need help on smaller projects, such as delivering the Cypress Isles News, or on one-time jobs such as assessing the extent of damaged to street trees or to the trees in the common-area woods.

Committee Reports
" Architectural Review - Lee Blackwell explained the ARC was working to select possible colors for homes and fences. Lee also explained he had 10 ARC request in the past month or so.
" Entry Refurbishment - Project status and schedule. Everything complete and awaiting result of the grant request. Lee explained the chance of getting the grant was very good.
" Orange County ReNew Grant - Everything submitted, just waiting reply from County.
" Media - Newsletter and Website - Sandy Horazak reported that the results of the meeting would go in the newsletter then it would be complete for delivery to the homeowners.

Election of Directors
" The Ballot Sheets with the 'Summaries of candidate's qualifications & plans' were handed out, listing three candidates.
" Ron Wiley's name was added to the list of candidates since he had just turned in his name as a candidate. Dennis Horazak asked for additional candidates from the floor in order to have an odd number of board members, since the Board is authorized to have a minimum of three and a maximum of nine members.
" Lee Blackwell nominated Mike Kranz, who agreed to the fifth candidate for the Board.
" Sandy Horazak made motion to close nominations and Gail Strachan gave the second. Motion carried unanimously.
" John Thomsin made motion to approve all 5 candidates and Sonya Barsness gave a second. Motion carried with one homeowner opposed.
" There with the following 5 candidates were approved by acclamation as the Cypress Isles Board of Directors:

" Lee Blackwell
" Myron Davis
" Dennis Horazak
" Mike Kranz
" Ron Wiley

Next Meeting
" The next meeting will be held on June 21st, 2005 at 6:30 PM at Exit Realty.
" Motion to adjourn made by Lee Blackwell. Seconded by Jean Thomsin, Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.


Submitted by: Approved by:
Rex Bowman
Community Manager
Board of Directors


Board of Directors Meeting

May 17, 2005

Board members present: Myron Davis, Dennis Horazak, Lee Blackwell, Mike Kranz and Ron Wiley. Rex Bowman, the community manager was also present.

Discussion was held on the importance of answering email in a timely manner. All Board members agreed to work to move information as needed; to include "Action Reqd" in the subject line of emails requiring Board action; and to check emails and respond as needed at least once a week..

The amount of work that will be needed the next few months was discussed and every Director agreed to do what ever was necessary to accomplish the task.

The election of officers was addressed with Lee nominating Dennis Horazak for President and Ron Wiley giving the second. Unanimously approved.

Ron Wiley made motion for Lee Blackwell to be Vice-President and Dennis Horazak gave a second. Lee declined the position.

Ron Wiley nominated Myron to be the Treasurer and Lee gave a second. Unanimously approved.

Lee Nominated Ron to be Vice-President and Dennis gave a second, unanimously approved.

Lee nominated Mike Kranz to be Secretary and Myron gave the second. Unanimously approved.


Officers are: Dennis Horazak - President
Ron Wiley - Vice-President
Myron Davis - Treasurer
Mike Kranz - Secretary

The Architectural Review Committee will be Lee Blackwell and Mike Kranz.


With no other business meeting adjourned at 8:45

Submitted by: Approved By:
Rex Bowman
Community Manager ____________________________
Board of Directors