Cypress Isles
Board of Directors Meeting

May 21, 2002 6:30 p.m.
Orange County Library - Alafaya branch, 12000 Colonial Drive

Board members present: Sonya Barsness, Chip Crane, Myron Davis, Larry Sheeler, Jean Thomsin and Cookie Symons. Tom Tempfer, Property Manager from Penn First was also present. In addition there were six homeowners present.


1. Call to Order
President Larry Sheeler called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. Proof of Notice was given.

2. Certify Quorum
Six board members present. Quorum established.

3. Proof of Notice
Proof of Notice was given.

4. Approval of minutes
The minutes of the March 19, 2002 meeting were approved as submitted.

5. Financial Report
Myron Davis presented the Income/Expense Statement and Balance Sheet for the period ending 4/30/02. The Board also reviewed the Delinquency Report. There was some discussion about outstanding fees (lots #43 and #50). It was agreed to wait until Myron has contacted the homeowners again and hand over the issue to the attorney if no payments have been received by June 7th. Late notices were sent to the homeowners of lots #3 and #17. Due to the fact that payments were made to the wrong bank $5.00 late fees have been levied. After some discussion it was agreed to cancel these fees (and the small interest) for this time only. Cookie suggested that we stimulate to the homeowners to use 'Condo Pay' through Premier Community Bank to avoid late payment fees. The authorization form for this free service is in the assessment coupon book.

6. Committee Reports
- Chip Crane reported that there has been only 1 new project request for a screen door directly in front of the front door on lot #95 (537 Divine Circle). A sample picture of the door was shown by Chip. Jean Thomsin made the motion to allow the screen door as long as the color of the frame is in line with the window frames (white or brown). Chip seconded the motion.
Neighborhood Watch - Cookie Symons reported that it has been relatively quiet in the neighborhood with the only problem of a gray haired man who has approached a young girl. The neighborhood watch captains have alerted (most of) the Cypress Isles homeowners.
Newsletter - Sandy and Dennis Horazak were not present at the meeting.
Hats Off and Yard of the Month - Chip Crane reported that he was a little behind in giving out 'Hats off' letters. He mentioned that he (and the ARC) mostly looks for improvements that are consistent and pleasing to the eye.
Street Tree Project - Jean and Joka Thomsin were complimented for all their work and the success of the street tree project. A total of 63 trees were planted and approximately 40 homeowners participated in the planting on Saturday May 11th.

7. Old Business
Entrance Lights
- Larry Sheeler reported that all contractors were geared up to do the work, but that the permit still has not been issued by Orange County. The county insists that all utilities be dug up and verified to avoid cutting through any cable. This will add some cost to the program.
Street Lights on Crystal River Drive - Larry Sheeler explained that everything is a go and that the street lights in the dark section of Crystal River Drive will be installed in the next couple of weeks.
Cleaning of ponds and drainage system - Larry Sheeler mentioned that Orange County has agreed to clear and clean all drains from culverts to the retention ponds in June.
Landscapers spilling grass onto the streets - Cookie reported that this happens more lately and that one particular firm is causing the mess. It was agreed to send a letter to the homeowners using this firm. In the letter the homeowners will be asked to address this problem with their landscaper.

8. New Business
Management Contract Renewal
- Larry Sheeler mentioned that the management contract with Penn First runs out in August. Steve Hartman has volunteered to chair the negotiations. Larry Sheeler himself will not participate for the board in these negotiations because of his conflict of interest as President/Owner of Penn First Management. Cookie made a motion to appoint Steve Hartman as lead negotiator for the contract renewal. The motion was seconded by Chip Crane and accepted unanimously. Larry abstained from the vote.
Community Party - It was suggested to revive the idea of a community party later this year (September?). Jean Thomsin made the motion to appoint Allen Huck the Community Party Committee Chair person and Sonya Barsness, Myron Davis, Claire Sheeler, Cookie Symons and Ron Wiley as members. Seconded by Cookie Symons. Unanimous approval.
Welcome Package - Sonya Barsness introduced the idea of an information package for new and existing homeowners of Cypress Isles. Based on her own experience in coming to Florida and Cypress Isles she discussed an outline for the document with examples of useful information for both newcomers and existing residents. The idea was welcomed by everybody with statements such as 'why didn't we do this a long time ago'. Several board members offered to contribute information and help complete the package. Larry Sheeler made the motion to appoint Sonya chairwoman of the welcoming committee. Cookie seconded the motion, which was accepted unanimously.

10. Open Forum
Heat reflective window film - A homeowners asked whether there is an objection to her applying heat reflective film on the inside of her windows. Larry Sheeler answered that it would be OK, but to be on the safe side the request should be made to the ARC committee.

11. Adjournment
Jean Thomsin made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Sonya Barsness. The meeting was adjourned at 7:25.

12. Next Meeting
Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 18th at 6:30 p.m.




______________________ _______________________
Notes submitted by Board of Directors
Jean Thomsin
Secretary of the Board