Cypress Isles
Waterford Lakes Tract N-25A Neighborhood Association, Inc.
Annual Members Meeting
June 19, 2007
Office of Exit Real Estate
11555 Lake Underhill Road
- 1. Call to Order: The Annual Meeting was called to Order at 7:20 p.m.,
and President Ron Wiley read the Meeting Protocols.
2. Certify Quorum: 24 members were present and 28 proxies were received,
for a total of 52 members represented. Since only 42 members are required
for a quorum, a quorum was established.
3. Proof of Notice: All members received notices of the Annual Meeting
by mail, and signs announcing the meeting had been placed at both entrances.
4. Approval of Agenda: The agenda was amended to insert the explanation
of the election process ahead of the nominations for board positions. The
revised agenda was approved.
5. President's Report: Ron Wiley reported that we were fortunate last year
to have had no unexpected large expenses, and that the Association is on
sound footing. Ron introduced and thanked all board members for their service.
Two areas that need to be addressed are: (1) maintenance of the open spaces
and preservation of the conservation areas; and (2) solutions to the increasing
flow of cut-through traffic. These areas will hopefully be addressed during
the coming year.
6. Financial Report: Myron Davis gave the financial report though May 2007
and answered questions from homeowners.
7. Committee Reports:
- Architectural Review Committee: Harold Engold reported that
bi-monthly drive-through neighborhood inspections are continuing, each
conducted by the property manager and at least one ARC member.
Newsletter: Sandy Horazak reported that Cypress Isles News continues
to be published quarterly. She thanked Lee Blackwell and Myron Davis for
their financial support, saving the homeowners some expense and Dennis
Bode for posting the newsletter on the website. The CI News accepts contributions,
either financially in exchange for advertising, or in-kind by the writing
of articles, such as John Culbertson's Recycling Column. Members brought
up the prospect of asking our contractors for reduced fees in exchange
for advertising in the newsletter. The next newsletter deadline is August
Website: Dennis Bode reported that is running smoothly,
and that he will continue as Webmaster. The possibility of accepting advertising
on the website was mentioned.
Traffic Study Committee: John Tenney reported that the Traffic Study
Committee has met several times, persuaded Orange County to record traffic
patterns through Cypress Isles and document this problem. John thanked
Co-chairs Carolyn Kreuzpaintner and Robin Hofler for their continued work.
- Members at the meeting discussed possible traffic abatement options,
including "No Through Traffic" signs with enforcement by the
Sheriff's Department; a set of retractable bollards (vertical posts) to
block Spring Island Way between Crystal River Drive and Lakes Way during
rush hours; an additional Orange County ordinance assessing cut-through
drivers a $275 fine; and speed bumps.
- The next traffic committee meeting will be Wednesday evening, July
11th, at Carolyn Kreuzpaintner's house, 830 Spring Island Way. The committee
intends to focus on reducing volume first, then consider how to reduce
8. Ron announced that that Orange County would host a Land Use Amendment
meeting on Wednesday, June 27th, at 7:30 p.m. in the University High School
cafeteria. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss changing the designation
of the parcel at the end of Jade Forest from a future elementary school
to a development of 71 detached single-family houses.
9. Election of Directors
- Election Process: Ron explained the election process. Candidate
information forms had been received from Harold Engold, Dennis Horazak,
Ben Nateghi, and Ron Wiley, and that additional nominations could be made
from the floor.
Nominations: Four additional nominations were then made from the
Sandy Horazak nominated Cookie Symons, seconded by Harold Engold;
Myron Davis nominated John Tenney, seconded by Harold Engold;
Ron Wiley? nominated Myron Davis, seconded by John Tenney; and
John Tenney nominated John Culbertson, seconded by Ron Wiley,
Nominees Symons, Tenney, Davis, and Culbertson accepted their nominations.
David Dowell and Judith Meldrum were appointed without objection to count
the ballots and report the results.
Election: Since there were eight nominees, and since the documents
require an odd number of at least three but no more than nine directors,
ballots were distributed to the members present, who then voted. The following
seven candidates were elected as the directors for 2007-2008: John Culbertson,
Myron Davis, Harold Engold, Dennis Horazak, Cookie Symons, John Tenney,
and Ron Wiley.
10. The next meeting will be a Board Meeting on July 17th.
11. With no other business meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Submitted by: Approved by:
______________________________ ______________________________
Dennis Horazak, Secretary Board of Directors