Board members present: Myron Davis, Dennis Horazak, Lee Blackwell, Mike
Kranz and Ron Wiley. Rex Bowman, the community manager was also present
with 3 (three) homeowners.
1. Call to Order
President Dennis Horazak called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm
2. Certify Quorum
5 of 5 Board members were present, thus establishing a quorum
3. Proof of Notice
Proof of notice was given
4. Opening remarks
a. Dennis read the protocol for the meeting and explained the rules were for everyone at the meeting.
b. Dennis discussed the Hurricane Exhibition for Learning, Preparation and Safety (HELPS) that will be held at the Convention Center the 24th and 25th of June. Both the conference and parking are Free.
c. Dennis discussed the twelfth annual Orange County Community Conference to be held at the Convention Center July 16, 2005. The cost of this HOA-oriented conference is $10 with free parking for reservations before June 24th and $15 plus $5 parking afterwards. Decision was made that Board members should attend different classes to give the Board as much information as possible. Lee Blackwell added that the ReNew grants would be presented at this conference and he felt Cypress Isles had a good chance of getting the award.
d. Dennis reviewed the drug free community program that Dr. Kirvin promoted. Other board members agreed it might be worth investigating, and that the presentation might receive a wider audience if it were hosted by WLCA.
5. Approval of agenda
The President, Dennis Horazak, presented the meeting agenda. Lee Blackwell made a motion, seconded by Ron Wiley, to approve the agenda. The motion passed unanimously.
6. Approval of minutes
Minutes of the March 15, 2005 Board meeting were presented. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Ron Wiley, seconded by Lee Blackwell and unanimously approved by the Board.Minutes for the May 17, 2005 annual meeting were presented. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Mike Kranz, second was given by Myron Davis and unanimously approved by the Board.
Minutes for the May 17, 2005 Directors meeting were presented. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Lee Blackwell and second was given by Mike Kranz and unanimously approved by the Board.
7. Financial report
a. Myron Davis presented the May 2005 financial report showing $18,537.97 in assets and -$5,386.09 in liabilities, and explained the income/expense statement.
b. Delinquencies were reviewed. A total of $1,280.07 is still outstanding with the owner of lot 114 owing $876.48. Questions were asked about the lot 114 case that management couldn't answer. Management agreed to check with WLCA (the Master association), which now is taking care of the case.
8. Committee Reports
ARC - Lee Blackwell, Chairman of the ARC, suggested tabling discussions about painting, fencing, and driveway guidelines until after the Re-New grant was decided, and the rest of the Board agreed.
A homeowner complained about overgrown grass and bushes in neighboring lot 027, the possible reduction in the values of surrounding properties, and the necessity to take corrective action. The Board agreed that lot 027 has been chronically unsightly, and affirmed that they had sent several letters to the Lot 027 owner directing that the property be better maintained, but have so far been frustrated by her lack of compliance. The propriety and legality of various stronger measures were discussed, but none of the options was totally workable.
9. Unfinished Business
a. None
10. New Business
a. The Board discussed weeds plugging the drains connecting retention ponds. The Board gave Kirkland emergency authorization to remove significant amounts of weeds from retention pond drains for $100 after the recent 6-inch rainstorm. Management was asked to check with Lake Masters to make sure weed control in lake drains were taking place. Management agreed.
b. Lee Blackwell discussed the insurance claim for the entrances. After hearing some concerns by other Board members, Lee agreed to pick up the police report. Lee explained that the plan is to work with the contractors doing the entry work to get the required quotes to settle the insurance claim. As a result, there will be no action on the insurance claim until after the ReNew grant is presented.
c. Dennis presented financial projections through 2008, including the projected total depletion of our reserves in 2005 if all currently planned projects are completed in 2005. Claudia Rilea pointed out that we have a year to complete the ReNew project, which would defer some of the expenses into 2006. The Board discussed various processes for setting future dues and long term reserve amounts, all of which will be needed in the fall when the 2006 budget will be compiled.
d. Lee explained the $500 quote by Kirkland to cut down leaning and broken trees in the Cypress Isles conservation areas. Lee made a motion to authorize $500 to fell leaning and broken trees in the Cypress Isles conservation areas, and Ron gave a second. Approved unanimously by the Board.
e. Lee, Ron, Myron, and homeowner Matt Ramos all agreed to meet Tuesday June 28 at 5:00pm to walk the conservation area, mark the trees that needed to be cut down, and to check the area behind all the fences in the area for fire breaks.
11. The next meeting will be on August 16, 2005.
12. Adjournment - Motion to adjourn by Lee Blackwell and seconded by Ron
Wiley, unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:22 pm.
_______________________ ________________________
Minutes submitted by Board of Directors
Rex Bowman, Manager