1. Call to Order - President John Tenney called the meeting to order at 6:31 P.M.
2. Certify Quorum - There were 6 board members present: President
John Tenney, Vice President Ron Wiley, Secretary Dennis Horazak, Directors
Cookie Symons, Harold Engold and Bob Hopper, thus establishing a quorum.
Absent was Treasurer Myron Davis. Also present were community manager Judith
Meldrum, Neighborhood Watch Coordinator Sandy Horazak, and Eagle Scout observer
Joey Watts.
3. Proof of Notice: Proof of notice was given.
4. Adoption of Agenda: Secretary Dennis Horazak made a motion to
approve the agenda as is. Director Harold Engold seconded the motion and
the motion was carried.
5. Approval of Minutes: Director Harold Engold made a motion to approve
all the following minutes without change:
A. June 19th 2007 Annual Meeting
B. June 19th 2007 Organizational Meeting
C. March 18th 2008 Board Meeting
D. June 24th 2008 Annual Meeting
E. June 24th 2008 Organizational Meeting
Vice President Ron Wiley seconded the motion and the motion was carried.
6. Reports of Officers
A. Treasurer's Report - President John Tenney made a motion to accept the June 2008 financial report with one request, to check on lines #4170 (income) and #6185 (expense), which had $180.00 as current Newsletter entries even though no transactions happened. Director Cookie Symons seconded the motion and the motion was carried.
7. Reports of Committees
A. Architectural Review Committee: Chair Harold Engold reported to the board that the ARC committee posted notice of their last meeting and took minutes. There was one approval of an ARC Application. The ARC meeting minutes are attached to these meeting minutes.
B. Common Grounds Landscaping: Director Bob Hopper made a motion to appoint Vice President Ron Wiley to a newly formed Grounds Maintenance Committee. Director Cookie Symons seconded the motion and the motion was carried. Ron said he would contact the landscaper about the removal of healthy Dusty Miller plants in the entrances. The board requested the community manager to call Lake Masters to ask their opinion about the aquatic weeds that seem overgrown in the two community ponds.
C. Violations: Vice President Ron Wiley volunteered to speak with the owners of 13215 Spring Haven Ct and 603 Spring Island Way about their lack of compliance. The board requested the community manager to call the Realtor for 523 Spring Island Way to see why the yard is not being maintained.
D. COPS Committee: Chairperson Harold Engold gave his report on his meeting with the Sheriff's COPS Program briefing. At least 20 volunteers must take 18 hours of training to qualify. President John Tenney and Director Harold Engold will write an article for the August Cypress Isles News to solicit volunteers for the program, with the goal of an active program by the end of 2008.
E. Neighborhood Watch: Coordinator Sandy Horazak has emailed the list of current block captains to all block captains and the board, along with the notice of an Orange County Community Crime Forum to be held on August 21st. Sandy plans to have a block captains' meeting in the near future.
8. Report of the Association Manager: The HOA is $390 under budget
so far this year. A notice was received from the HOA insurance carrier that
the property insurance premium was increasing from $1361 to $1740. President
John Tenney volunteered to get quotes from other agents.
9. Unfinished Business
A. Proposed amendments to comply with Florida Statutes: Secretary Dennis Horazak presented a draft letter asking our HOA attorney to update our By-laws and Covenants to align with recent changes to Florida Statutes. Vice President Ron Wiley made a motion directing Dennis to send the letter. Director Harold Engold seconded the motion and the motion was carried.
10. New Business
A. Plans for 2009 Budget: The board budget meeting was set for August 23
and the manager was requested to have the Proposed 2009 budget by August
15. Director Harold Engold offered to host the budget meeting.
11. Announcements
A. Wall cleaning: Completed.
B. ReNEW Grant Application: Vice President Ron Wiley will contact, ReNEW Grant committee chair Claudia Rilea to make sure that our request for Grant money is cancelled, since it will no longer be needed for traffic control project.
C. Next Meeting will be September 16th at Exit Realty.
12. Adjournment
Director Harold Engold made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Secretary Dennis
Horazak seconded the motion and the motion was carried. The meeting adjourned
at 7:45 P.M.