Board of Directors Meeting
July 18, 2006
Exit Real Estate
11555 Lake Underhill Road


Board members present: Dennis Horazak, Lee Blackwell, and Mike Kranz, Myron Davis, Harold Engold and Ron Wiley. John Will Tenney was absent. Rex Bowman, the community manager, was also present along with 5 (five) homeowners.

1. Call to Order
President Ron Wiley called the meeting to order at 6:33 pm

2. Certify Quorums
Six of the seven Board members were present, thus establishing a quorum

3. Proof of Notice
Proof of notice was given

4. Opening remarks
a. Ron presented the protocol for the meeting.

5. Approval was given for the agenda after a motion to approve by Lee and a second by Dennis.

7. Approval of minutes
After review of the 3-21-06 and 5-16-06 annual and board meeting minutes, a motion to accept all 3 sets of minutes was made by Dennis Horazak seconded by Lee Blackwell and unanimously approved by the Board.

8. Financial report

a. Myron gave the Financial Report.
b. Rex turned over the $19, 926.74 check received from Matt Firestone for lot 114 to the board, and the check is being held by Ron Wiley, President. The amount received was much more than owed to Cypress Isles HOA. Board agreed to work with the Master Association (WLCA) on the process of signing over the check to WLCA in return for a check made out to Cypress Isles HOA for the full amount CI is due to receive.
c. Myron questioned the amount actually owed to Cypress Isles. Rex agreed to pull all records for Myron to evaluate to get the exact amount. Myron and Dennis will work together to come up with a final amount by Aug. 4, 2006 so it can be given to WLCA by Ron.


9. Committee Report

Lee explained there had been 2 ARC application approvals since the last meeting.
There was some discussion about the severity of the wording on the first ARC "violation" letter. Lee and Mike agreed to review the wording of all three letters - first notice, second notice, and final notice - and to recommend wording that is appropriate at each stage.

Entrance Refurbishment Committee:
Lee reported that all projects are completed and invoices paid. The total amount spent by Cypress Isles was about $2,200 more than was approved by the board. It appeared that the bill from Kirkland accounted for the overage, which was either the total amount (which should have been split with Orange County), or else included other landscaping charges that were not associated with the ReNEW project. Lee agreed to investigate and report to the board. Lee turned over the Entrance Refurbishment notebook with all the information including all documents, bills, job scopes, etc. for Community Management to store. Community Management agreed. Is was also indicated that two (2) lights were damaged on the North (back) Entrance and required repair or replacement. Rex was asked to contact Palmer Electric and work with Palmer to get them fixed or replaced. Rex agreed to take care of it.

Sandy Horazak gave the newsletter report. The next issue will be in black and white instead of color to bring down costs. Lee agreed to pay the postage for the August and November issues. The newsletter deadline for information is August 6th

Neighborhood Watch:
Sandy Horazak gave the report in John Tenney's absence. A meeting was held 6-28-06 with Corporal Hultgreen to introduce the new coordinator, John Tenney, to the Neighborhood Watch program, and to introduce John to the block captains. . There are four new block captains, but the community still needs 3 more block captains.. One homeowner at the Board meeting said that she had never been contacted by any block captain, and volunteered to be the block captain for her block. Sandy agreed to speak with her after the meeting. There was a car theft reported on Divine Circle from the driveway. In addition a homeowner on Spring Island Way had several items stolen from his garage.

10. Unfinished Business had nothing to report


11. New Business

a. Common ground (Wet Lands) / Ownership / Policing / No Trespassing Signs was
Discussed and Ron Wiley (with Maps) gave a complete explanation of who owned what and what could be done in those areas. Two homeowners who live on Spring Island Way expressed their concerns with tree houses being built in the wetland areas. In addition they indicated there had been other types of activities in these areas. The Sheriff's dept. had been called several times and would not address the problem unless No Trespassing signs were posted. . Ron will write a newsletter article addressing the wetlands.
b. Dennis made a motion to buy up to 12 NO TRESSPASSING signs that would be purchased and placed in strategic locations around the community. Lee gave a second and motion passed. Ron agreed to contact WLCA about the signs they installed on Crystal River and find out there cost. It was agreed that the cost of the signs would impact the quantity that would be purchased.
c. The ARC neighborhood inspections will be every other month, with directors rotating the responsibility for doing the inspections.


12. The next meeting will be September 19, 2006.

13. Adjournment - Motion to adjourn by Mike and seconded by Ron, unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 pm.



Minutes submitted by
Rex Bowman, Manager