Board of Directors Meeting
Location: Connect Realty, 11555 Lake Underhill Road
July 21, 2009

1. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 635P.M.

2. Certify Quorum – The board members present were John Tenney, Ron Wiley, Myron Davis, Dennis
Horazak, and Bob Hopper. Absent were directors Harold Engold and Cookie Symons. Also present
were Neighborhood Watch Coordinator Sandy Horazak and Manager Judith Meldrum.

3. Proof of Notice:
Proof of notice was given.

4. Adoption of Agenda: Myron Davis requested that the recent attorney bill be added to the Treasurer’s
report. Dennis Horazak made a motion to approve the revised agenda. John Tenney seconded the
motion and the motion was carried.

5. Approval of Minutes: John Tenney made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Dennis Horazak
seconded the motion and the motion was carried.

6. Reports of officers

A. Treasurer’s Report - Myron Davis went over the June financial report.
719 Divine Circle attorney bill: Cypress Isles received an invoice from our attorney for legal work
done on behalf of the bank foreclosing on the property at 719 Divine Circle. Cypress Isles is not
foreclosing on their property, and did not authorize any legal action in that regard. Myron Davis
volunteered to send a letter to CMP to dispute the invoice. The board then directed the management
company to not forward any foreclosure notices received at their office for any member to the HOA
attorney without board approval. Ron Wiley will confirm that directive in writing to the management
Committee Reports:
a. Architectural Review Committee: One ARC application was approved and there was no
inspection this month.
b. Grounds Maintenance Committee: Ron Wiley reported he has been working on the entrance
lights but is having trouble finding a replacement bulb for one of the lights at the south entrance. He
will let the board know if an electrician needs to be called. Ron will place a lock on one of the light
timers to prevent the unauthorized reprogramming that has been occurring. The owner of 504 Spring
Island Way has asked that the board trim that portion of his tree that extends into our common area,
and the board agreed to do so.
c. COPS Committee: John Tenney reported that he spoke with the Orange County Sheriff who said
that part of the screening program for COPS was going to be revamped in order to make it more
passable for applicants. Cypress Isles has a COPS car, which Harold Engold controls.
d. Neighborhood Watch: Sandy Horazak reported that the COPS program seems to be helping to
deter break-ins in the area.
e. Newsletter: Deadline for next issue is August 1, 2009.

7. Report of the Association Manager: The manager’s report was accepted as written.

8. New Business:
The next board meeting will be September 15, 2009.

9. Adjournment – Dennis Horazak moved for adjournment, John Tenney seconded the motion, and the
meeting was adjourned at 7:55P.M.

Submitted by: _________________________ Approved by: __________________