Cypress Isles
Board of Directors Meeting
September 17, 2002 6:30 p.m.
Orange County Library - Alafaya branch, 12000 Colonial Drive


Board members present: Chip Crane, Myron Davis, Steve Hartman, Larry Sheeler, Jean Thomsin and Cookie Symons (later part of meeting).
Tom Tempfer, Property Manager from Penn First was also present. In addition there were 10 homeowners present.


1. Call to Order
President Larry Sheeler called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.

2. Certify Quorum
5 board members present. Quorum established.

3. Proof of Notice
Proof of Notice was given.

4. Approval of minutes
The minutes of the July 16, 2002 meeting were tabled subject to substitution of 'a homeowner' for a name.

5. Financial Report
Myron Davis presented the Income/Expense Statement and Balance Sheet for the period ending 8/31/02
The Board also reviewed the Delinquency Report. Myron will contact the two homeowners with overdue payments.

6. Committee Reports
- Chip Crane reported about a request to build an exercise room addition in the style of the existing house. Chip made the motion to approve the request. Seconded by Myron. Unanimous approval.
A request to build a one sided fence (to hide a boat from view). Chip will find out if the neighbor on the right (fence) side is OK with this.
Neighborhood Watch - Myron attended a meeting on Homeland Security and will distribute pamphlets on this to the various block captains.
Newsletter - Sandy and Dennis Horazak mentioned that they are waiting to receive copy for the fall newsletter. The latest deadline is Monday 31st to enable a report on the Saturday 9/28 CI Community Party. Steve's 'VP report' on the Management selection process will be included in the newsletter.
Hats Off and Yard of the Month - Chip Crane reported that the system is working well.
Cypress Isles "Meet & Greet" Fall Festival - Ron Wiley reported that the donations are coming in OK. A good turn out is expected. Name tags will be provided for CI homeowners. The area has been treated for fire ants and will be mowed on Friday the day before the party.

7. Old Business
Entrance Lights
- Larry Sheeler mentioned a new quote from Dollard Enterprises for $6,600. Dollard Enterprises can work with Orange County's requirements and has completed the work for Waterford Cove, and will be doing the same work for Riverbend and Finns Cove. Myron mentioned that the price of the entrance lights keeps creeping up and is well above out original budget ($4,500) as well as the increased allowance ($5,500). The question was raised whether the homeowners of Cypress Isles are OK with spending $6,600 for the lights. A formal committee was formed, consisting of Chip Crane and Ron Wiley, will try to poll the homeowners for a yes or no on this issue, evaluate the whole issue of lighting at the front and back entrance and report back in the October meeting. Sandy and Dennis will include an article on the lights and the cost issue in the upcoming newsletter.

8. New Business
- Larry Sheeler mentioned a proposal from the CPA to audit our balance sheet as of December 31, 2002, together with related statements of revenue, expenses, and changes in fund balance and cash flows. The expected fee will not be more than $700. Myron stated that in fact the work done last year was only a 'review' rather than an audit. Our documents require an audit. Since we have still time Myron will discuss this issue at the next meeting.
Walk-through 1 - Tom Tempfer reported that during his walk-through he found a home on Divine Circle where the homeowners have installed a kitchen sink and cooking facilities at the back of their house and outside the pool screen enclosure. It seems that all cooking is done outside in full view. Chip crane (ARC) will have a look and come with a recommendation at the next meeting.
Walk-through 2 - Tom Tempfer requested the board's OK to carry out a careful walk-through together with the ARC (Chip, Cookie, Eddie) and issue doorknockers for black drive ways, weeds, etc. The board agreed.
Crossroads issue - Larry Sheeler mentioned the ongoing dispute between the Waterford Lakes Community Association (Master Association) and the Crossroads neighborhood, which refuses to pay for the maintenance of their entrance like all the other neighborhoods. This cost amounts to $4-$5 per homeowner in Crossroads per year. Presently all other homeowners in Waterford Lakes share in these costs via the Master Association.
Bradfordt Lakes - Larry Sheeler mentioned that he was approached by the president of the Bradfordt Lakes about the speeding problem between our neighborhoods on Crystal River Drive. An interim solution is that Chuck (our hired Deputy Sheriff) has agreed to police the area on the weekend to curb speeding immediately. Another possibility would be installing speed bumps of which the homeowners have to pay the costs. Cookie mentioned that the youthful speeders would easily bypass a speed bump over people's yards. Cookie and Myron will talk to the Bradfordt Lakes board members about possible solutions.
Road resurfacing - Tom Tempfer suggested that we apply for road resurfacing with Orange County. There was unanimous agreement that this would be very welcome. Tom will write a letter to Orange County Public Works to requests for resurfacing.
Budget 2003 - Larry Sheeler mentioned that the budget for 2003 is nearly ready and that it looks like we can keep the dues the same. Larry and Myron will bring the budget proposal to the next meeting.
Anonymous Letter - Steve Hartman raised the issue of the '2nd anonymous page', which was distributed together with the invitation for the Community Party. A homeowner, present at the meeting, said that he was the author of the anonymous page and that in hindsight it was a mistake to issue it together with the Community Party invitation; however, he stated that this was only an attempt to bring more openness in all matters relating to all homeowners to the forefront. The board has written a fact based letter to educate the residents on the facts on how we conduct business. The original flyer was geared more towards perceived high dues, lack of proper bidding out of service contracts and what we spend our money on. Steve made the motion to allocate up to $40 to distribute this 'fact based letter' to all the Cypress Isles homeowners. Jean seconded the motion. The motion was accepted unanimously.

9. Open Forum
Pond not mowed - A homeowner reported that during 2 weeks in June/July the pond behind his house had not been mowed. Larry Sheeler explained that this was due to the heavy rains, which prevented mowing with heavy machinery. Myron Davis said that he will look into the landscape contract to see if there should be refunds for these weeks.
Refund for replacing pine trees - The question was raised whether the Master Association has applied for Federal Grants for replacing the pine trees that die from disease. Larry responded that indeed that was pursued, but that these grants are only for public lands.
This years' increase in homeowner assessments - The main reason for this year's increases in assessments is due to the increases in liability insurance, which had not been adequate thus far.
Doorknockers for weeds - A homeowner had received two 'doorknockers' and even a letter threatening with a possible lien on his house, for weeds in his yard. Since he had not been given any detail of which weeds, he had become very frustrated. Tom Tempfer mentioned that each doorknocker is provided with a phone number to call to clarify any issues. It was agreed that future doorknockers would have to be more specific.
Grass clippings in storm drains - A homeowner had received an anonymous letter objecting to his practice to sweep some of his grass clippings into the storm drain. This letter did not come from the board or the ARC. It was explained that the St John's River water management district does not allow any grass clippings or other debris to enter the storm drain system to avoid clogging and it also contributes to algae problems in the ponds.
Committees to reduce costs - The board received a compliment from a homeowner that it was willing to appoint committees to study subjects in depth before committing costs.

10. Adjournment
Jean made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Steve. The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 PM.

11. Next Meeting
Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 15th at 6:30 p.m.

______________________ _______________________
Notes submitted by Board of Directors
Jean Thomsin
Secretary of the Board