Cypress Isles
Waterford Lakes Tract N-25A Neighborhood Association, Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
Sep. 18, 2007
Office of Exit Real Estate
11555 Lake Underhill Road
- Present
Board members present: Harold Engold, Cookie Symons, John Tenney, Ron Wiley
and John Culbertson. Also present were Property Manager Judith Meldrum,
Newsletter Editor Sandy Horazak, and 3 homeowners.
1. Call to Order: President Ron Wiley called the meeting to order at 6:35pm.
2. Certify Quorum: Five of the seven Board members were present, thus establishing
a quorum.
3. Proof of Notice was given.
4. President's opening remarks: Ron summarized the meeting protocols, and
asked for any additions for the agenda. He went on to explain that no personal
issues or complaints can be added to the agenda.
5. Approval of Agenda: No items were added to the Agenda. Ron moved to
approve the agenda as modified, John Tenney seconded, and the agenda was
approved unanimously.
6. Announcements: Sandy Horazak announced that the Cypress Isles website
has been updated and now includes pictures of homes.
7. Approval of minutes: After review of July 17, 2007 minutes, Harold made
a motion to approve the minutes and Cookie gave a second. Minutes unanimously
approved by the Board.
8. Financial Report: Myron Davis was absent so the Board reviewed the Financial
- The board requested the property manager to send an updated aged owner's
report to them and to check to see if #42 is at the attorney's office for
- The board also requested the manager to find out about writing off
the small amounts owed on some of the member's accounts, if it is allowed
with the new law change.
- Ron will get with Myron to retrieve uncashed checks to return to CMP.
9. Architectural Review Committee: Cookie Symons gave the ARC report.
- Cookie made up several CI paint sample books based solely on the Master's
approved colors and a sign-out book. She explained that Cypress Isles can
remove colors of their choice and that would override the Master's colors.
Harold motioned to accept the Master's color book as is with the exception
of the ability to remove any colors as needed or presented by the ARC.
John seconded, motion carried.
- Cookie will not take the book to WLCA until after colors have been
removed and the book approved by the Board.
- New member present had questions about the violation letters he received
regarding his yard. Ron and Cookie explained the violations to him and
how to correct. Ron told the member to contact anyone on the Board if he
ever needs help in the future.
10. Newsletter: Editor Sandy Horazak presented her findings for reducing
the cost of printing and distributing the Newsletter. By using Kinko's
to print the newsletter, the cost is $77.53 for regular white paper and
black ink. Sandy further stated they would be hand delivered to homeowners.
John Tenney said he would pay for the newsletter copying in exchange for
putting an ad in. November newsletter will be hand delivered by residents
and printed by Kinko's.
11. Neighborhood Watch: John Culbertson reported that there was an annual
Neighborhood Watch meeting on Sept. 10 and there was a representative from
the Sheriff's office there. John reported that there are 14 block captains
and CI had 4 vacancies. There is only 1 vacancy left. John has to get blocks
reallocated and is working on that. He also reported on new updated Watch
programs from the county and said he will be looking into them.
12. Old Business:
- a. Recreational vehicle parking: Ron read Docs regarding parking. Ron
proposed a motion to change the Covenants to allow for a time period for
before and after parking at homes. Discussion ensued and it was decided
that 3 business days before and 3 business days after use would be allowed.
If more time was needed, all residents are required to contact either the
Property Manager or the Board. Cookie seconded, motion carried.
b. Landscaping Proposals: Ron went over the spreadsheet listing all the
proposals and what they offered. Three were selected for final negotiation:
Blue Water, Carol King, and Special Touch. The Board will ask for best
and final price for services including annuals. The decision will be made
at the October Board meeting for budget purposes.
c. Signage cleaning offered by resident of Cypress Isles: After discussion
it was decided to not reject the resident's offer to clean the sign but
rather to not do the cleaning at this time and revisit for next year.
d. Traffic Committee: John Tenney reported that he had not heard back from
the county yet. The traffic light at Waterford Chase has seemed to help
with cutting down somewhat on cut through traffic. He also mentioned that
there are a lot of tax credit and HUD apartments being built in the area
and that this would probably contribute to crime and traffic in CI. John
also reported that they are continuing to put pressure on the county for
the stop signs and that CI is getting attention regarding their issues.
13. New Business:
- Budget: Ron announced that the Board had their budget meeting on September
15 and that the dues had to be increased to $54.00 a quarter. The increase
is due to the higher landscaping costs. There will be a budget-voting meeting
on October 16th for final approval.
14. Motion to adjourn was made by John Tenney, seconded by Cookie, and
unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:39pm.
- Submitted by: _________________________ Approved by: __________________