Board members and homeowners present:
Dennis Horazak, Ron Wiley, Bill Snook, Myron Davis, Lee Blackwell
3 homeowners were present
1. Call to Order
President Dennis Horazak called the meeting to order at 6:38 pm
2. Certify Quorum
5 of 5 Board members were present, thus establishing a quorum
3. Proof of Notice
Proof of notice was given
4. Approval of minutes
Minutes of the August 17, 2004 Board meeting were presented and unanimously
approved by the Board.
5. Approval of agenda
The meeting agenda was presented by the President, Dennis Horazak. In addition,
he stated that the Board will make available to all members a blank form
which can be submitted to the board at anytime to have specific items recognized
and discussed by the Board at subsequent meetings. A motion to approve the
above was made by Bill Snook, seconded by Lee Blackwell and unanimously
6. Financial report
a. August 2004 financial report was provided and discussed by the Treasurer.
b. Collection status - Ron Wiley presented his report on collections and
late fee issues. Lot 13 is current. Lot 15, Ron Wiley is attempting to contact
the owner; no action will be taken until the next Board meeting. Lots 52
and 105 were assessed late fees that may be in error by the Management Company.
The Management Company will provide payment history records to substantiate
the late fees to the next Board meeting for Board review and action. A motion
was made by Lee Blackwell to defer any disposition on the assessed late
fees until the report is made available and reviewed by all Board members,
second by Dennis Horazak, unanimously approved. Dennis Horazak presented
a policy statement for Board review on the reimbursement of collection costs
(copy attached) with a motion to amend the current policy, second by Lee
Blackwell. It was pointed out that late fees are not specifically addressed
in the neighborhood documents. The motion was amended by Ron Wiley to state
that the Board approval of the new policy be considered a 30-day contract
change notification to the Management Company, second by Dennis Horazak.
Motion approved unanimously.
7. Committee Reports
a. ARC -Four ARC requests have been submitted. The ARC chairman, Manny Juarez,
will be leaving and Lee Blackwell will be handling all ARC activities on
an interim basis until a new chairman is in place. Lot 27 has contracted
to have their lot cleaned up and brought up to community standards. The
Lot 5 fence issue has been resolved by the homeowners. The new landscape
contract has been signed with Kirkland's. A motion was made by Lee Blackwell
with second by Bill Snook to suspend enforcement of the 90 day ARC replacement
rules with regards to hurricane damage until December 1, 2004. The motion
was unanimously approved.
b. Neighborhood watch - With the number of new homeowners, the neighborhood
watch block captains need updated listings; Myron Davis will work on this
with Cookie Symons.
c. Newsletter - Next issue in November.
8. Old Business - The entrance refurbishment committee was discussed. To
date, five homeowners have expressed interest in participating. The committee
will be created and chartered at the next board meeting. Lee Blackwell will
define the scope and responsibilities of the committee and e-mail this to
all board members for review and comments. Work on the 2005 budget will
begin prior to the next board meeting.
9. New Business - Damaged trees in the common areas behind houses need to
be addressed. These trees can be cut and left, but wetlands areas can not
be touched. The HOA is responsible for the common area maintenance and will
get a bid from Kirkland's for the tree work.
10. The next meeting will be October 19, 2004 at the Public Library.
12. Adjournment - Motion to adjourn by Ron Wiley and seconded by Lee Blackwell,
unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm
_______________________ ________________________
Minutes submitted by Board of Directors
William Snook
Secretary of the Board