Cypress Isles
Waterford Lakes Tract N-25A Neighborhood Association, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting
Oct 16, 2007
Office of Exit Real Estate
11555 Lake Underhill Road


Board members present: Myron Davis, Harold Engold, Dennis Horazak, Cookie Symons, John Tenney, and Ron Wiley. Also present were Property Manager Judith Meldrum, Newsletter Editor Sandy Horazak, and one homeowner.

1. Call to Order: President Ron Wiley called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm.

2. Certify Quorum: Six of the seven Board members were present, thus establishing a quorum.

3. Proof of Notice was given.

4. President's opening remarks: Ron summarized the meeting protocols, then noted that this was a special Budget Meeting without committee reports or other agenda items. Other remarks were:

a. A desire to reduce email traffic;
b. A caution that all Board and ARC business is legally intended to be conducted only in open meetings;
c. A reminder that the monthly WLCA ARC meeting will be held tomorrow, October 17th;
d. A reminder that the demonstrations protesting additional traffic on Lake Underhill will also be held tomorrow, October 17th;
e. The Holiday Lighting contest will be held at 7:00 pm on Sunday, December 16th. Harold has two of the award signs and knows who has the third one.
f. Landscape Maintenance bids are still being received and evaluated. We plan to decide on a contractor at the November board meeting.

5. Approval of Agenda: No items were added to the Agenda. Harold Engold moved to approve the agenda, Dennis Horazak seconded, and the agenda was approved unanimously.

6. Approval of September 18, 2007 minutes: Dennis Horazak and John Tenney corrected minor errors in the minutes. John Tenney moved to approve the minutes as corrected, Harold Engold seconded, and the corrected minutes were approved unanimously.

7. 2008 Budget: The proposed 2008 Budget was proposed, discussed, and explained. Homeowner fees will be increased to $54.00 per quarter, principally due to increases in Landscape Maintenance and Property Management expenses. John Tenney moved to approve the proposed 2008 budget, Dennis Horazak seconded, and the budget was approved unanimously. The approved budget is attached to these minutes.

8. Orange County will sponsor a public meeting on Traffic Control for Spring Island Way on Thursday October 25 starting at 6:30 pm at Camelot School. Petitions will be circulated to Spring Island Way residents asking whether they want traffic humps, traffic islands, or neither. According to Orange County regulations, 50 of the 84 residents on Spring Island Way must agree on any new structures. The humps cost about $2,900 apiece ($21 per hump per home), but Orange County might pay for at least half of that cost. Orange County has not yet revealed the number of humps or islands under discussion.

9. Next meeting is scheduled for November 20, 2007.

10. Adjournment. Harold Engold moved to adjourn the meeting, Cookie Symons seconded, the motion was approved unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.


Submitted by: _________________________ Approved by: __________________