Board members present: Dennis Horazak, Lee Blackwell, and Mike Kranz, Myron
Davis and Ron Wiley. Rex Bowman, the community manager, was also present
along with 1 (one) homeowner.
1. Call to Order
President Dennis Horazak called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm
2. Certify Quorum
All 5 Board members were present, thus establishing a quorum
3. Proof of Notice
Proof of notice was given
4. Opening remarks
a. Dennis read the protocol for the meeting and welcomed homeowner in attendance.
5. Approval was given for the agenda.
6. Approval of minutes
Minutes of the October 18, 2005 Board meeting were presented. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Lee Blackwell seconded by Myron Davis and unanimously approved by the Board.
7. Financial report
a. Myron gave the Financial Report.
b. Delinquencies were reviewed. One owner was shown as 30+ days late on the report but was not on the last month's report. Management agreed to review the question.
8. Committee Reports
a. Homeowner asked about trimming Greenbelt greenery that is encroaching on his back yard. Board advised that homeowner is entitled to trim any vegetation that is on his property.
b. Lee Blackwell, chairman of the ARC, reported 7 requests had been received this last month. Discussion was held about the concerns of painted fences, painted driveways, and damaged roof shingles. Lee volunteered to send a preliminary list of roof problems to Ron, Ron volunteered to finalize the list of homes with roof problems, and board agreed to draft a letter to send to homeowners needing to take action on their roofs.c. Lee reported that a community-wide inspection was completed and 87 homes were cited, with over half of the citations for sidewalks and driveways that needing to be cleaned.
9. Renew Grant status report
Lee reported that the lighting is complete. The brick work is waiting for permits. Lee will contact the county tomorrow for a waiver to complete the work. Lee reported that the old signs would be removed next week and the new signs installed once permits had been acquired. The board asked if the old signs could be left in place until after thanksgiving or until new signs were ready to be installed. Lee agreed to delay the removal until signs were ready to be installed.
10. Newsletter
Dennis reported the Cypress Isles News copy deadline is November 22nd.
11. Unfinished Business
Discussion was held about the reserve account consolidation and designation showing on the balance sheet. Myron agreed to work with Community Management Accounting on Friday the 18th to correct.
12. New Business
a. Holiday lighting contest was discussed and agreed to. Prizes will be $25, $50, and $75. The contest will be held Sunday 12-18-05 at 7:00 p.m. Board members who agreed to judge are: Ron, Myron, and Dennis.
b. Recording of bylaws was discussed. Ron asked if anything was different than the covenants stated, and it was agreed that nothing was different. The proposed bylaws are exactly the same as the "Present Board Practice Guidelines" approved by the Board on March 16, 2004, except for the revised collection procedure. (See Attachment A.) After discussion Lee made a motion to record bylaws and Mike gave a second. Motion passed unanimously.
c. The Board is planning to include three referendum proposals with election of officers at the May 16, 2006 Annual Members Meeting. The three proposals are: (1) driveway painting restrictions; (2) optional street trees; and (3) one-time entrance fee for new homeowners. Lee agreed to write the first draft of the proposals and the Board agreed to help refine the draft into a proper ballot item. Management agreed to get a legal opinion on the legality of the proposed entrance fee. There was general agreement that advance publicity in the newsletter along with door-to-door encouragement would be needed in order to secure the required quorum of proxies plus attendees at the Annual Meeting.
13. The next meeting will be on January 17, 2005. No December
meeting is scheduled. The 2006 meetings will be every other month on the
3rd Tuesday. The meeting dates for 2006 are; January 17, March 21, May 16
(annual meeting), July 18, September 19, and November 21.
14. Adjournment - Motion to adjourn by Mike and seconded by Lee, unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.
Minutes submitted by
Rex Bowman, Manager
APPENDIX A - (Section 4 of Bylaws). Collection Procedures.
All payments shall be mailed in time to arrive on or before the due date. The mailing of any notice or payment, postage prepaid, in the manner provided in this Section, shall be considered received, if not actually received earlier, at 5:00 p.m. on the second day after said notice has been deposited in a regular depository of the United States mail.
o Late Notice - If full payment has not been received by 10 days after payment due date, the Board or its agent shall send a late notice to the Owner requesting full payment and warning them that the cost of collection will be added to their account when the account becomes 30 days late.
o Intent to Lien - If full payment has not been received by 30 days after payment due date, the Board or its agent shall send a letter to the Owner by certified and regular mail demanding full payment within 15 days of receipt of said notice, asserting an intent to place a lien against the Owner if full payment is not received within 15 days, and assessing the additional cost of collection to the Owner. The cost of collection represents the time and expense of researching the account and preparing, certifying, and mailing the letter.
o Place Lien. - If full payment has not been received within 15 days after Owner receipt of Intent to Lien, the Board shall decide whether to direct the Association's attorney to file a claim of lien against the Owner. The Board or its agent shall send notice of such filing to the Owner, assessing the additional attorney fee to the Owner, and demanding full payment within 30 days of receipt of said notice.
o Final Demand. - If full payment has not been received within 30 days after Owner receipt of Lien notice, the Association's attorney will send a Final Demand letter to the Owner, assessing the additional attorney fee to the Owner, and demanding full payment within 10 days of receipt of said notice.
o Title Report. - If full payment has not been received within 10 days after Owner receipt of Final Demand notice, the Association's attorney will order a title report, assessing the additional fees to the Owner.
o Foreclosure. - If the title report is in favor of Association (judgments against Owner) and full payment has not been received, the Association's attorney will file a lien foreclosure, assessing an additional fee to the Owner.
The Board may, at its sole discretion and without notice, modify any or all collection procedures in response to special circumstances for individual cases.