Board of Directors Meeting
Location: Connect Realty, 11555 Lake Underhill Road
November 17, 2009

1. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.

2. Certify Quorum – The board members present were John Tenney, Ron Wiley, Myron Davis, Dennis Horazak, Harold Engold and Cookie Symons. Absent was director Bob Hopper. Also present were Neighborhood Watch Coordinator Sandy Horazak, Manager Judith Meldrum and one homeowner.

3. Proof of Notice: Proof of notice was given.

4. Adoption of Agenda: John Tenney made a motion to approve the agenda. Harold Engold seconded the motion and the motion was carried unanimously.

5. Approval of Minutes: Cookie Symons made a motion to accept the September 15, 2009 minutes as written. John Tenney seconded the motion and the motion was carried unanimously.

6. Reports of officers

A. Treasurer’s Report - Myron Davis reviewed the October financial report and the report of delinquent accounts.
B. Legal Fees for foreclosure homes: The board agreed and reaffirmed their commitment to meet in person on any legal matters regarding foreclosures.
C. Delinquency Processing: The board decided the following actions:
530 Divine Circle - Board requested that the manager determine the total financial exposure of the association, and to find out the status of the account.
629 Divine Circle - Pay outstanding legal bill and tell attorney to take no further action.
719 Divine Circle - Pay outstanding legal bill for monitoring case, tell attorney to wait and do nothing more.
738 Spring Island Way - Pay outstanding legal bill. This should end activities on this case.
800 Spring Island Way - Board requested that the manager determine the total financial exposure of the association, and to verify that title had been transferred to Bank of America.
939 Spring Island Way - Board requested that the manager determine the total financial exposure of the association, and to find out the status of the account.

7. Committee Reports:

a. Architectural Review Committee: Harold Engold reported that there were no ARA applications received in October or November, and that the ARC conducted a neighborhood inspection in the first week of October.
A homeowner from 707 Spring Island Way who received a citation from the ARC asked why the shed in his yard is not allowed to be in his yard. The board explained that the ARC rule against sheds is in the WLCA (Master) Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, and is therefore a deed restriction for all homeowners in Waterford Lakes. The board also noted that both the Cypress Isles ARC and the WLCA ARC rejected his application for the shed.
b. Grounds Maintenance Committee: Ron Wiley reported that the sidewalks for the south entrance have been cleaned and the north entrance will be cleaned by the end of the month. Ron also said that a light fixture at the south entrance needs to be replaced, and he is currently looking for a replacement. Cookie Symons reported that Lake Masters did a good job clearing the ponds.
c. COPS Committee: Harold Engold reported 15 volunteer hours of service in September and October, including patrolling Cypress Isles on Halloween for the safety of our children.
d. Neighborhood Watch: There were no incidents reported.
e. Newsletter: November issue has been delivered and the next deadline is February 1, 2010.

8. Report of the Association Manager: The manager’s report was accepted as is.

9. New Business:

a. Landscaping Proposals: Myron Davis made a motion to approve the DPC landscaping proposal contingent upon confirmation of the mulch quantity needed and the clarification of the warranty on grass replacement in the event of over-fertilization. Cookie Symons seconded the motion and the motion carried with 5 approvals and John Tenney abstaining from voting for reasons of conflict of interest.
b. Board meeting dates for 2010: The board meeting dates will be: January 19, March 16, May 18 (Annual Meeting), July 20, September 21 and November 16.
c. Seven day e-mail response time: The board agreed on a 7-day voting period for decisions made by email between meetings, to give all board members time to respond.
d. End of year write offs: The board requested management to write off any interest owed on any member’s account that is under $1.00. The board also requested that reminder letters be sent to any member who owes over $1.00 up to $10.00.
e. Supplemental Reserve Account: Dennis Horazak made a motion to move $1,000.00 from the Supplemental Reserve account to the Operating account for line 6040 - Legal Fees. John Tenney seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

10. Next Board Meeting: The next board meeting will be January 19, 2010.

11. Adjournment –John Tenney moved for adjournment, Harold Engold seconded the motion, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:33 p.m.


Submitted by: _________________________ Approved by: __________________