Board members present:
Sonya Barsness, Chip Crane, Myron Davis, Steve Hartman, Larry Sheeler, Jean
Thomsin and Cookie Symons. Tom Tempfer, Property Manager from Penn First
was also present.
In addition there were 7 homeowners present.
1. Call to Order
President Larry Sheeler called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m.
2. Certify Quorum
All 7 board members present. Quorum established.
3. Proof of Notice
Proof of Notice was given.
4. Approval of minutes from previous meeting
The minutes of the Sept 17, 2002 meeting were approved after a small correction
(6. Committee Reports - Newsletter - Monday 30th instead of 31st)
The minutes of the July 16, 2002 were approved after a name was changed
to 'homeowner' (5 Open Forum)
5. Committee Reports
ARC - Tom Tempfer reported that 88 friendly reminders had
been issued during the walk-through. Most were for dirty drive ways.
Neighborhood Watch - Cookie mentioned that all has been quiet in
the neighborhood.
Newsletter - Sandy and Dennis Horazak had nothing to report
Hats Off and Yard of the Month - Chip Crane reported that 8 hats
off letters had been given out.
6. Entrance Lights
Ron Wiley and Chip Crane have contacted all homeowners about their preferences
for entrance lights which cost an estimated $6,600.00 to install. The results
show a virtually dead split of yes and no votes. It was felt that a more
favorable outcome could be expected if the cost could come down. Larry Sheeler
commended Ron and Chip on their effort and recommended that they expand
their committee with other homeowners and explore possible alternatives
inclusive solar and/or other methods of drilling for the cables.
7. Trimming Palm Fronds
Larry Sheeler mentioned that a homeowner has raised the question if dead
Washingtonia Palm fronds should be removed or not. Our documents state that
all dead plant material should be removed or replaced. We want to be consistent
with the documents. Jean Thomsin made the motion to enforce the removal
of dead fronds, seconded by Chip Crane. The motion was approved unanimously.
8. Financial Report
Myron Davis presented the Income/Expense Statement and Balance Sheet for
the period ending 10/31/02. Our expenses year-to-date are OK running 17%
below budget. However, several payments still have to be made before year
The Board also reviewed the Delinquency Report. There are 3 homeowners behind
in their payments. One of these has promised to pay this week. A letter
has been received from the homeowner of lot 138 objecting to a $25.00 late
fee, since the payment had been made at the Penn Management office in time.
Larry Sheeler noted that payments should be made directly to the bank (PCB
Association Services), since Penn Management can not be hold responsible
for timely booking into the account at the bank. However, in this case the
$25.00 late fee will be waived and the account credited for $25.00. Pen
Management will absorb $20.00 and the Cypress Isles board $5.00 of this
9. Old Business
Replacing dead trees from May planting -
Jean Thomsin mentioned that 13 homeowners who have a not-growing or dead
tree from the May planting. There is a possibility that a replacement tree
(winged elm) from Orange County can be obtained for free if interested.
It was agreed that Jean contact the homeowners an organize delivery of the
trees to the interested homeowners. The trees have to be planted and maintained
by the homeowners.
The ARC was asked to look into the fact that 2 homes at Spring Island Way
have a short tree stump (lot 28) or a non-recommended holly (lot 35). Both
homeowners can participate with the 'free tree program from Orange County'
if need be and desired.
Road resurfacing - Tom Tempfer mentioned that a letter has been sent to
Orange County, but no reply has been received to date. Tom will send a second
letter if no response has been received in January 2003.
Fall Community party - Allen Huck reported that the committee has been able
to keep the cost to the community at $526.00, which is slightly over the
allocated $500.00.
8. New Business
Audit - Larry Sheeler and Myron Davis have agreed that the
audit as has been done last year is in accordance with the Cypress Isles
(Waterford Lakes Tract N-25A Neighborhood Association, Inc.) documents dated
June 1994. The choice of auditor will be made at the January meeting.
Christmas Lighting Contest together with Bradfordt Lakes - The lighting
contest will be held on Saturday December 21st. Myron Davis will be the
coordinator. Cookie Symons made the motion to award cash prices of $75.00,
$50.00 and $25.00 for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners respectively. The
motion was seconded by Sonya Barsness and was approved unanimously.
Budget 2003 - Larry Sheeler and Myron Davis have worked on the budget
for 2003. The budget is similar to the 2002 budget and the quarterly owner
assessment will remain at $36.00.
Myron Davis made the motion to accept the budget for 2003 as submitted,
seconded by Cookie Symons. The motion was approved unanimously.
9. Open Forum
Welcome package - Ron Wiley offered to help Sonya Barsness
to enhance the front page of the welcome package with publication type software.
Moreover he suggested including the package on our website. There was general
agreement that this was a good idea.
Agenda for the board meetings - Ron Wiley asked if the agenda could be posted
on our website 5-7 days before the meeting to give homeowners a chance to
come in case there is a topic of special interest. Larry Sheeler responded
that we will try to do this in the future.
10. Adjournment
Steve Hartman made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Cookie Symons. The
meeting was adjourned at 8:19 pm.
11. Next Meeting
There was general agreement to skip the December meeting.
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 21 at 6:30 p.m.
______________________ _______________________
Notes submitted by Board of Directors
Jean Thomsin
Secretary of the Board