Cypress Isles
Waterford Lakes Tract N-25A Neighborhood Association, Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
Nov 27, 2007
Office of Exit Real Estate
11555 Lake Underhill Road
- Present
Board members present: Myron Davis, Harold Engold, Dennis Horazak, Cookie
Symons, John Culbertson, John Tenney, and Ron Wiley. Newsletter Editor
Sandy Horazak was also present. Property Manager Judith Meldrum was absent
due to personal emergency.
1. Call to Order: President Ron Wiley called the meeting to order at 6:35
2. Certify Quorum: All seven Board members were present, thus establishing
a quorum.
3. Proof of Notice was given.
4. President's opening remarks: The Holiday Lighting contest will be held
at 7:00 pm on Sunday, December 16th. Harold has two of the award signs
and Ron will get the third one. Ron, Cookie, Harold, and John Tenney volunteered
to be judges.
5. Approval of Agenda: No items were added to the Agenda. John Tenney
moved to approve the agenda, Harold Engold seconded, and the agenda was
approved unanimously.
6. Approval of October 16, 2007 minutes: Nobody had the final draft minutes,
so this item was tabled until the next meeting.
7. Community Manager's Report: Judith Meldrum was unable to attend, but
submitted a written report including a financial report, delinquent accounts,
and an ARC report.
- Attempts to determine the correct mailing address for the owner of
908 Spring Island Way have been unsuccessful to date, and correspondence
is returned marked "Unable to Forward." Myron Davis volunteered
to investigate the matter.
8. Financial Report: Myron Davis presented the financial report, which
includes a current operating surplus of $1,887.90. The Aged Owner Balance
report included several interesting totals of indeterminate origin. Ron
will send an email to Judith asking for the status of all accounts over
30 days past due, including whether they received second notices and whether
the total amount to be paid is prominently shown in those letters. It
was also noted with appreciation that the November 27 Aged Owner Balance
report listed property addresses, which is much easier to comprehend than
lot numbers.
9. Architectural Review Committee: Harold Engold reported that five applications
for minor items were approved. One application was presented to the board
to install pavers on a patio and pool deck, but not in the driveway. After
discussion the AR application was approved. Harold and Cookie also reported
that the new requirements associated with amendments to S720 require frequent
public ARC review meetings announced 48 hours in advance. These new requirements
are causing logistical problems because of lack of meeting space. Dennis
Horazak reported that other neighborhoods, as well as WLCA, were also having
trouble coping with the meeting requirements. The Board decided to continue
the current ARC review process until we can verify in writing the actual
requirements of the amended Florida statute S720.
- Cookie Symons presented the book of approved house colors for Cypress
Isles and suggested that the color "Windy Seas" (E CC-31-1) be
removed because it seemed too dark. John Tenney moved that it be removed,
Myron Davis seconded, and a vote was taken. The removal passed by a vote
of 5 to 2, with nays by Dennis Horazak and John Culbertson. Dennis Horazak
then moved that the book be approved as edited, John Culbertson seconded,
and the motion passed unanimously.
10. Newsletter: Sandy Horazak confirmed that the deadline for the February
2008 Cypress Isles news is February 1, 2008.
11. Neighborhood Watch: Coordinator John Culbertson reported that the
blocks have been re-defined at the front of the neighborhood and several
have been renumbered (New block definition map is attached.) Each block
now has a block captain, although (a) one block captain is temporarily
doing two blocks until a replacement can be found, and (b) one block captain
has not been active at all and a replacement would be preferred. Block
captains have been notified of the new block definitions, and have been
requested to update their contact lists, with the goal of updating all
contact information by the end of the year.
- John briefly described the Orange County COP program (Community On
Patrol, a new program under the Citizens On Patrol program). With this
new program, a neighborhood Team Leader is issued a COP patrol vehicle
and the neighborhood's COP team employs volunteers to assist in keeping
their community safe. There is no financial cost to the neighborhood.
John Culbertson and Harold Engold will investigate the details of the
COP program and report to the Board at the January 2008 meeting.
12. Unfinished Business: John Culbertson moved that Blue Water Landscape
be the landscape maintenance contractor for Cypress Isles starting in 2008.
John Tenney seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously. Thirty-day
notices will be sent to Kirkland Lawn Service and Middleton Lawn and Pest
13. New Business:
- a. Operating Surplus to Reserves: Myron Davis made a motion to move
any operating surplus funds as of December 31, 2007 to a separate bank
account called the "2009 Supplement Account" to be used as a
supplement to the 2009 budget. Ron Wiley seconded and motion passed unanimously.
b. Changes to Legal Documents: Portions of the Cypress Isles legal documents
will have to be changed to comply with recent changes to state laws and
WLCA regulations, and to specify Board decisions on ARC paint colors and
recreational vehicle parking. Dennis Horazak and Ron Wiley will review
the documents and propose changes at the January meeting.
c. Christmas Decorations at Entrances: Ron Wiley moved to allocate $200
for Christmas decorations and bedding plants at the entrances. Dennis
Horazak seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
d. Standing Traffic Committee: Ron Wiley moved to change the Traffic Committee
from an ad hoc committee to a standing committee in order to officially
monitor the request for a grant for traffic abatement measures. Cookie
Symons seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
e. Contract Renewal with Community Management: After reviewing the original
contract and a proposed 2008 contract, it was determined that the original
contract is still in force since it specifies automatic annual renewals,
and since the Board was notified of the 2008 fee schedule 60 days before
the end of the 2007 term. Since the contract is still in force, no action
was taken.
f. Submittals by Other Management Companies: The Board will research other
property management companies in 2008 for a routine competitive analysis.
14. The next Board meeting is scheduled for January 15th, 2008. Subsequent
meetings will be March 18th, May 20th (Annual Meeting), July 15th, September
16th, and November 18th.
15. Adjournment. Dennis Horazak moved to adjourn the meeting, John Tenney
seconded, the motion was approved unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned
at 9:18 pm.
- Submitted by: _________________________ Approved by: __________________
Dennis Horazak, Secretary
- Cypress Isles Neighborhood Watch Block Boundaries