Members present: Lee Blackwell, Steve Hartman, Jean Thomsin, Larry Sheeler, and Cookie Symons (quorum established). Members absent: Myron Davis. Neil Thomas, Property Manager from Penn First was also present. In addition there were six homeowners present.
President Blackwell called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Proof of Notice was given.
The minutes from the August 21, 2001 meeting were reviewed and approved as submitted.
Financial Report
Larry Sheeler presented the Income/Expense Statement and Balance Sheet for
the period ending 8/31/01. The Board also reviewed of the Delinquency Report.
A motion to piggyback with the Master in a Foreclosure on CI-035, and to
proceed even if the Master does not foreclose on same was made by Cookie.
Seconded by Steve. The motion passed unanimously.
Committee Reports
Neighborhood Watch - Cookie reported receiving calls re: letters being put
in doors prior to 7 AM, this morning. There was discussion involving the
need for someone to contact the responsible owners regarding the timing.
It was decided that it was more appropriate for the contact to be made through
Neighborhood Watch rather than the Board. Cookie will follow up. She also
mentioned that a line of communication had been opened with the Barrington
Neighborhood watch coordinator.
ARC - Neil reported that 44 letters have gone out to owners regarding replacement of the missing Street Trees. One Hat's Off letter was sent out thanking an owner for their Quick response in repairing damaged turf in their yard.
Lee reminded everyone that was on the list to get articles in, needed to
by week's end.
Old Business
Drainage - Larry reported that the problem is being addressed on the Master
level through the Storm-water Committee.
Budget - There was a lengthy discussion of the budget for 2002. Neil was
asked to get a cost on the replacement of 5 shrubs at the entrances, as
as the cost to clean the green mold off of the entry walls. Lee will check
with the insurance agent to be sure that the entry walls have been valuated
at replacement costs.
New Business
Lake Masters - There was discussion regarding the back billing by Lake Masters
for the previous 17-month period. Neil reported that he had
confirmed that no payments for these services had been made. The monthly
amount was billed incorrectly at $80/MO. The board instructed Neil to pay
the bill based on the correct fee of $70/MO.
Lee mentioned that he had received a few phone calls regarding trash that had been washed up from the lake bottoms during the recent storms. A discussion followed. A motion to have Penn First clean up all of the debris around the lakes edges at $17/hr., cost not to exceed $100, was made by Steve. Seconded by Bill. The motion passed unanimously.
Open Forum
There was a discussion regarding the web site. It was decided that copies
of approved meeting notes will be added to the site, as well as the posting
meeting announcements.
Motion to adjourn made by Larry. Seconded by Cookie. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 P.M.
Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 16, at 6:30 p.m.
Neil E. Thomas CMCA, PCAM
Board of Directors
Penn First Management, Inc.