In This Issue - August 2005
Cypress Isles Wins ReNEW Grant
Welcome to Cypress Isles!
County to Cite Bad Parking
ARC Rides Again
Pining for the Pines
Trick or Treat!
We are STILL NOT in a flood zone!
Do You Know Where Your Pets Are?
Unchain That Dawg!
Citrus Canker moves into East Orange County
Cypress Isles Contact List
Lawn 'N Order (2005 revision)
Cypress Isles Wins ReNEW Grant
Tired of the missing Cypress Isles sign? So are we. But help is on the way.
We are pleased to announce Cypress Isles has been awarded an Orange County
ReNEW Grant. This grant will fund half the cost of a complete refurbishment
of both entrances. Industrial quality materials will be used to ensure,
with minimal maintenance requirements, a significantly longer useful life
than was realized with our existing entrances. A long-term maintenance program
has been established to keep our entrances in top-notch condition.
Preparation of the work site will begin in mid October with the removal
of some plants, placing a protective cover over others and the removal of
all signs. The mortar joints will be repaired as necessary and the brick
will be cleaned and sealed. All open columns will be capped and the white
portions of the structure will be coated with Colorcrete®. Site prep
should take about a week and the brickwork two or three weeks.
While the brickwork is in progress, our signs will be fabricated. Solid
brass letters will be installed and we have redesigned the fastening system
for both the signs and the letters to mitigate the problems we have had
with vandalism. One column on each side will be sporting a new cypress tree
logo, which replaces the current "CI" logo, and one "CI"
logo will remain on each side. The circular sign above "CYPRESS ISLES"
will also have the new logo.
The sign contractor has advised us the minimum lead-time for delivery of
the graphics and letters is five weeks from order date. Shop time and installation
will take an additional three weeks. So expect some lag time between completion
of the brickwork and installation of the signs. The entire sign project
will take a minimum of eight weeks.
The electrical components for both entrances will be brought up to current
code. The front entrance lights will be relocated to minimize the "headlight"
effect. The broken fixtures at the back entrance will be replaced with a
fluorescent floodlight. This will illuminate the sign and eliminate the
headlight effect entirely. The electrical phase will begin after the new
signs are installed and should take one or two weeks to complete.
Finally, the landscaping will be restored the week following completion
of the electrical work. With any luck and good weather, we should be done
before Christmas!
Claudia Rilea
Entrance Refurbishment Committee
Dear Neighbors,
In the last newsletter, kudos were given to our many neighbors who give
their time and energy to take care of our Homeowner Association's business.
One name was notably absent - our association president, Dennis Horazak.
Of course, being the one that wrote the article, Dennis wouldn't pat himself
on the back. So we will do so now. Thank YOU Dennis, for your good humor
and grace, for remaining calm and diplomatic in situations that could easily
become unpleasant and lead to hard feelings between neighbors. Kudos to
you for a job well done!
Claudia Rilea
Welcome to Cypress Isles!
Go over and say, "Hi!"
Hello to our new neighbors at 13738 Crystal River Dr.
If we've missed anyone else who recently moved in, please let us know so
we can mention you in the next newsletter.
County to Cite Bad Parking
Park right. It's more than just neighborly - it's the law.
Orange County Code Enforcement is now cruising through Waterford Lakes,
issuing violation citations for cars parked across sidewalks, cars parked
on the grass, cars parked the wrong way in the street, and boats 24 feet
or longer that are parked where they can be seen from the street. Sloppy
parkers, straighten up.
ARC Rides Again
The ARC issued 30 citations during their last inspection.
Street trees are a separate issue.
The Architectural Review Committee saddled up and rode through Cypress Isles
on July 26th, issuing citations for the following violations. (They add
up to more than 30 because some were multi-taskers.)
" Runaway weeds - 14
" Missing lawn trees - 7
" Missing sod - 4
" Painting needed - 4
" Trash cans on display - 2
" Remove driveway paint - 1
" Storm shutters still up - 1
" Trim bushes - 1
Street trees continue to be a problem for everyone, mostly because we still
don't know why some of them thrive while the rest of them keep falling over.
Tree-lined streets are a fine goal, but the "mystery soil" in
our neighborhood has transformed routine tree plantings into ongoing science
projects, frustrating homeowners and ARC's alike.
Given the lack of reliable tree-growing information, the Board decided at
its August 16th meeting to stop bugging homeowners about street trees, and
to ask Cypress Islanders to vote on making street trees optional at next
year's annual meeting.
Until then, do the best you can with your street trees, and let us know
if you find out anything.
Editor's note: Here at CI News World Headquarters, we're on our third
street tree so far. Our latest planting, "Marla" Maple, seems
to be doing well, but we're still keeping our roots crossed.
Pining for the Pines
Dead pines at entrance (and their killers) to be removed soon.
The four dead or dying pines at the front entrance are the latest victims
of pine borer beetles that have killed dozens of pine trees throughout Waterford
Lakes. The only defense against these pernicious pests seems to be removing
the infested trees before the boring bugs decide to infest other trees.
With that in mind, our four toasted trees will be removed in the next couple
of weeks, as part of a concerted effort throughout Waterford Lakes.
Trick or Treat!
Halloween seems like a long way off, but it's really just around the corner
and will be here before you can say "Boo!"
Trick or Treat night will be on Monday, October 31st (a.k.a. Halloween),
starting at 6 PM., ending at 9 P.M., or whenever the treats run out. Turn
your porch lights on and meet your neighborhood goblins.
Where to go? I'm glad you asked. Good rule of thumb, or foot, is:
Porch light on - go there. Porch light off - don't go there.
Trick-or-treaters: Watch out for vehicles and be extra careful because
your costumes can make it hard to see. Carry a flashlight to make it easier
for you to see, and for others to see you.
Drivers: Watch out for trick-or-treaters and be extra careful because
behind every bag of goodies is an excited child.
Moms and Dads: Those costumes are great; we have no idea who they
really are.
Everyone: Don't forget to check those goodies before eating them.
We are STILL NOT in a flood zone!
Don't let your mortgage or insurance company tell you otherwise
We have printed our neighbor Michael Langan's article several times.
The information is so important and valuable that we're running it again
for those who are new to the community.
Your mortgage carrier may tell you that you need flood insurance when you
do not. If you are notified by your mortgage carrier that you need Flood
Insurance, here are the steps to take to resolve this issue.
1 - Contact your mortgage company, and discuss everything and explain what you will be doing to resolve this matter.
2 - Contact Orange County Public Works Department. (407) 836-7990
3 - Explain that you are being told that your mortgage company is requiring that you purchase flood insurance within 45 days. They will send you the necessary documents that show your property in a SFHA (Special Flood Hazard Area), but that your structure is not located in a SFHA. Specifically they should reference Letter of Map Amendment case no: 94-04-952A.
4 - Send a copy of this information to your mortgage carrier, and be sure that they send you a letter stating that you no longer are required to carry Flood Insurance. Keep all correspondence for your records, if this should pop-up again.
I hope this helps.
Michael Langan
Do You Know Where Your Pets Are?
They're in our yard!
Also worth re-running
We know you love your pets. So do we. Okay, so we don't love your pets as
much as we love our own. We especially don't love your pets when they are
allowed to roam free, using our properties as their personal toilet area,
and upsetting our pets, which are either leashed, or being kept under control
in our screen enclosures. This applies to dogs and cats. It's also against
the law
not part of the local or master HOA documents, but an Orange
County law. Orange County enforces animal leash and waste laws subject to
fines up to $500 for non-compliance. And don't forget to clean up your pet's
waste. We only want to clean up after our own pets, so please be responsible
for yours. Report violators to Orange County Animal Control 407-352-4390.
But wait, there's more
Unchain That Dawg!
ORLANDO, Fla. - On July 12, 2005, Orange County commissioners passed a law
banning dog owners from chaining their dogs outdoors during the day.
Dogs cannot be chained from 9 a.m. through 5 p.m., and fines will range
from $75 to $250.
At least two other Florida counties have similar laws.
Citrus Canker moves into East
Orange County
Not a welcome neighbor...
If you had a citrus tree on your property, the Florida Department of Agriculture
& Consumer Services has probably removed it. In December 2004, a routine
Sentinel Tree Survey conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture found
citrus canker in Waterford Lakes in East Orange County. The diagnosis was
confirmed by state pathologists on December 27, 2004. All positive trees
have been removed.
We are now in a QUARANTINE area.
What does this mean?
According to the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Affairs
Quarantine areas may be established to prevent spread of the disease.
NO citrus or citrus plants may be moved from a quarantine zone.
NO potted citrus may be kept in a quarantine zone.
NO citrus trees may be planted in a quarantine zone without Department approval.
Businesses engaged in lawn maintenance, citrus planting, production, handling,
harvesting, packing and processing within a quarantine zone MUST sign compliance
agreements with the Department and follow mandatory decontamination procedures.
Citrus cannot be planted for two years after the last positive tree detection,
except with permission of the CCEP Director.
For further information, please go to the website:
I guess it's back to the grocery store for our oranges and grapefruits.
Now, if only they could do something about that kudzu-looking vine smothering
the trees on Lake Underhill....
Cypress Isles Contact List
Board of Directors
Dennis Horazak, President 407 207-6557
Ron Wiley, Vice-President 407 384-2564
Mike Kranz, Secretary 407 380-6834
Myron Davis, Treasurer 407 737-8200
Lee Blackwell, Member 407 275-2541
Rex Bowman, Community Management Professionals 407 903-9969 Ext. 114
Neighborhood Watch
Kim Schmitt 407 737-1966
Dennis Bode, Webmaster
Sandy & Denny Horazak, CI News Editor 407 207-6557
Handy Numbers
Orange County Sheriff
Non-emergency 407 737-2400
Animal Control (unleashed pets, etc.)
407 352-4390
Progress Energy Streetlight Repair 1-800-228-8485
Happy Birthday to:
October 3 - Mary Kranz
October 5 - Mike Kranz