Cypress Isles News
The official newsletter of the Cypress Isles Homeowners Association
August 2006 Edition - Published Quarterly

In This Issue - August 2006
Dude! Where's My Car??
Panic Button Mania
Mamas, Don't Let Your Shrubbies Grow up to Be Monsters!
Neighborhood Watch
Throwing the Light on Crime
Progress Energy - Streetlight Outage Reporting
Wetlands Guide for Cypress Isles
Local Girls Earn Black Belts
May Annual Meeting Results
Welcome to Cypress Isles!
Cypress Isles Contact List
2007 Budget, Fees at September Meeting
Happy Happy!
Cleaning and Sealing Concrete
Trick or Treat!
News from WLCA


Dude! Where's My Car??
There has been a dramatic increase in crime in Cypress Isles in the past few months. Here's what's been going on:


- During the overnight hours of Friday July 7, a black 2000 Camry was stolen from the 500 block of Divine Circle. The car was locked in the driveway. Fortunately, the car was recovered on July 26th in Eastwood.
- Around the 4th of July weekend, some items were stolen from a garage in the 700 block of Divine Circle. The garage door had been inadvertently left open overnight, when the theft occurred.
- On Sunday night July 16, a garage in the 700 block of Spring Island Way was broken into and items were stolen.



- In the early morning of Wednesday August 2, in the 800 block of Spring Island Way, a dining room window was shot at by either a pellet or BB gun. The glass shards shattered inward and were on the dining room table and floor.
- On Monday evening August 7, around 7:45 p.m., a car was speeding down Divine Circle when the driver lost control, "fishtailed" and nearly ended up in a neighbor's driveway, very close to where a toddler had been playing on the sidewalk. This caught the attention of an off-duty law enforcement officer who called dispatch for backup, took off after the car, found the car, driver, and a passenger friend in the 800 block of Spring Island Way. The driver was cited for reckless driving. A computer "hit" on the car revealed that it was stolen from Waterhaven Circle in Waterford Park, a neighboring Waterford Lakes subdivision. The 16-year-old driver/arrestee lives in Wedgefield, but was here visiting his friend on Spring Island Way; he and his buddy had just taken the car out for a joy ride down Divine Circle. That resulted in the driver being cuffed and taken off to jail.
- During the night of Tuesday August 8, a locked metallic gray 2005 Nissan Sentra was stolen from a driveway in the 700 block of Divine Circle.

Some residents in the 500 block of Spring Island Way report almost monthly thefts of cash, cigarettes, and sundries from cars that are parked in driveways.
So remember to lock your car, remove your garage remote from your car, and close your garage door when not in or near your garage. When an incident happens, call the Sheriff's non-emergency number, 407-836-HELP (4357). These incident reports help the Sheriff's department decide when and where to patrol. Then call your Block Captain or Neighborhood Watch Coordinator so the residents can be alerted.

Sandy "CSI: CI" Horazak

Panic Button Mania
There is an email currently circulating that suggests keeping your car keys next to your bed, so that if you hear a noise during the night you can just press the panic button to activate your car alarm and scare off the possible intruder.
Sounds good at first glance, but there are several drawbacks to this. (Like, what if the noise you hear is simply The Nightly Cat Follies in your own great room?) Lighting is a better idea. (See "Throwing the Light on Crime" in this issue.)
Check out what the Snopes folks have to say about it. Good advice:

Mamas, Don't Let Your Shrubbies Grow up to Be Monsters!
Those monster shrubs help monster humans hide their evil intentions/deeds. This piece of wisdom from a resident police officer:

No matter how lush and green they are, overgrown shrubs put out a message of: "Hey…come mill around my house and I'll hide you!"
It isn't just "one" overgrown shrub or tree, but many -- right up against a house - that are the problem. Someone could easily hide there as car lights approach, force entry, burglarize, and escape undetected.
Also, if you haven't done so lately, double-check your alarm systems. When a monitoring company came out recently to check the system, they found electronic damage from recent lightning, and some of the sensors were no longer connecting properly. Just gotta keep up with those things. (Maintenance!)

Neighborhood Watch

Being vigilant and staying in touch are the best defenses against crime.

Welcome to our new Neighborhood Watch Coordinator, John Will Tenney. If you haven't yet met John, go to our website - -- and meet him there! Click on the Neighborhood Watch link, and check back there frequently for his Neighborhood Watch updates.
You can contact John at 407-383-3079 or

Throwing the Light on Crime

As part of your ongoing Crime Prevention effort or to help make your neighborhood safer, you should have adequate lighting.

Lights are a deterrent to crime. Effective lighting can:
Make it easier to see other people and vehicles.
Eliminate dark hiding spots in areas used by residents & their guests.
Discourage intruders from trying to go into private or restricted areas.
Prevent Crime!!
Strong lights pointed in the right directions are a key part of reducing vandalism and graffiti.
Destructive people like to see what they're doing, but they don't want others to see them. So, light up the areas other people can easily see, and don't light the areas that are hidden from public view.
Lighting systems themselves can be targets of vandalism. If the lights can be tampered with, they won't be effective in preventing crime. Put protective coverings on lights so the bulbs can't be broken and hide the wires so they can't be cut.
A good way to examine your lighting is to think like a criminal. Go through your neighborhood at night and think of how you could break-in. Are there other people around who may see a burglar attempting to break-in, and would they call the Sheriff's Office? You may be able to think of better lighting solutions by looking at the weaknesses of your existing system.
Do you check your streetlights frequently at night to make sure they are still working properly? Do you report them? Or just let the other guy do it?
Lighting may be the single, most cost-effective way to deter crime.

Cathy Mullenix, Area Coordinator NW OCSO Sector 3, Zone 30-34

Progress Energy - Streetlight Outage Reporting

As a partner with our local communities, Progress Energy would like to provide you with tips for reporting street light outages to us.

The most appropriate methods of reporting are through our Internet site or our customer service center.
Report outages via Internet by visiting:
At the bottom right, select Request Streetlight/Area Light Repair Request. The site accepts multiple reports entered one at a time. Be sure to include a good contact number.
You can report street light outages by phone through our Customer Service Center by calling 1-800-700-8744. Press 4 to report a street light outage, and please provide a valid phone number in case we need to contact you.

Report outages immediately. Don't wait to compile a long list of outages.
Please provide good directions to the light, including the closest address. For example, "Light out in front of 726 Divine Circle" is preferable to "Light out near the first intersection of Spring Island Way and Divine Circle." This allows our lighting technicians to locate the light quickly.
If possible, provide a pole number or mark the pole with colored tape, and include that information in your report.
Finally, provide details on the outage such as if the light is cycling on and off, if there is noticeable damage to the fixture and/or pole, or if the light is on all of the time.

Debbie Clements
Community Relations Manager
Progress Energy
407-905-3319 (office)

Wetlands Guide for Cypress Isles

Cypress Isles Wetlands / Open Spaces / Conservation Areas: Whatever you call them, respect them.

Over the last year there have been many Cypress Isles homeowners addressing the Board about the areas of our subdivision known as Wetlands, Conservation Areas or Open Space. These areas are located all over our subdivision. Some are wet wooded areas, some are dry wooded areas and some are retention ponds. In any case no matter what we label them, these areas are protected. Protected means they are not intended to be used or disturbed in any way by humans.
Over the last 5-6 months some of our protected wetlands have become a place for our young adults and their friends to gather. Young adults gathering together to talk about the day, the up coming weekend, new boyfriend / girlfriend or a hot new video game away from parents' eyes and ears is perfectly normal, and the Wetlands can be used as the location for these gatherings. But forts, tree houses, or just making a clearing and setting up some chairs is not allowed in these protected areas.
The Wetlands, Conservation, or Open spaces are deeded to either the Waterford Lakes Master Homeowners Association or the Cypress Isles Homeowners Association, but there are restrictions on their use, and buildings (tree houses), forts, excavating soil, and removal / destruction of trees and native vegetation is strictly prohibited by the St. John's Water District.
Although the land is not owned by SJWD they have certain rights to the conservation areas, and the SJWD will take the necessary means to protect a conservation area and the natural resources found there. The courts can force those who violate conditions of a Wetland or Conservation to restore the damaged property and pay fines or large penalties for damaging the property.

We all have a responsibility to protect these lands as they are a critical part of our ecosystem and we ask every resident to do their part in helping to protect these lands as well.
The Waterford Lakes Master Association and the Cypress Isles Homeowners Association have agreed to do our part to protect these lands by posting No Trespassing signs at visible points around our conservation areas. These signs are there to protect our valuable resources and allow our community policing agencies to take action when called about prohibited activities in these areas.
If you have any questions or concerns, or need to report prohibited activity in any of our conservation areas, please contact any Cypress Isles Board member and we will be happy to come by and talk with you. In addition, you can call the St John's Water Management District at 1-800-451-7106 or visit their internet site at:

Ron Wiley, President

Funding for the mailing of this edition of the Cypress isles News was provided by:
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Local Girls Earn Black Belts

Mom and Dad, Sharon and Michael Cirello, could not be more proud of the achievement and effort of their girls!

Cypress Isles Karate Kids Samantha and Jacqueline Cirello received their first-degree black belts in Chito-Ryu Karate from CFCK (Central Florida Championship Karate) located near the Eastwood Publix. Jacki and Sam have been working for just over three years to achieve this goal, and received their belts on May 20, 2006. The test lasted four hours, during which time they had to demonstrate that they have retained the lessons learned over the 3-year period. They are continuing to work toward their second degree, which should take about two years.

L-R: Samanta Cirello, instructor Sensei Steven Holiday, Jacqueline Cirello. Each of the gold stars around their neck are from honor roll report cards brought to Sensei Steven, their primary instructor.
They both have their names in Japanese printed on the belts, and have to work 6 months more to get their certificates.
Way to go, Jacki and Sam!

May Annual Meeting Results

Residents voted on a new board, a proposed amendment, and a non-binding opinion poll.

Fifty-four homeowners, either in person or by proxy, attended the 2006 Annual Member Meeting on May 16th to approve new directors and vote on a proposed amendment and a non-binding opinion poll.
The meeting began with a report by Corporal Marion Hultgreen from Orange County Crime Prevention / Homeland Security on activities in East Orange and what we can do as a community to help reduce or at least identify criminal activity.
In addition to hearing the financial and committee reports, the members voted on issues and elected a new board:

The proposed amendment to covenants and restrictions requiring new residents to pay an initial fee was voted down, having received only 23 votes, far short of the required 105 votes (three-fourths of the members) needed.

Members voted yes, 30 to 16, to require ARC approval prior to installation of changes to driveways.

Members voted for optional street trees, 35 to 12. This "yes" vote means homeowners may either replace or remove damaged street trees.

Finally, members elected a new 7-member Board of Directors for the coming year: Ron Wiley, President; Dennis Horazak, Vice-President; Mike Kranz, Secretary; Myron Davis, Treasurer; and members Lee Blackwell, Harold Engold, and John Tenney.

Welcome to Cypress Isles!

Go over and say, "Hi!"

Hello and welcome to our new neighbors at 725 Divine Circle.
If we've missed anyone else who recently moved in, please let us know so we can mention you in the next newsletter.


Cypress Isles Contact List
Board of Directors

Ron Wiley, President 407 384-2564
Dennis Horazak, Vice-President 407 207-6557
Mike Kranz, Secretary 407 970-9036
Myron Davis, Treasurer 407 737-8200
Lee Blackwell, Member 407 275-2541
Harold Engold, Member 407-273-4990
John Tenney, Member 407-383-3079

Rex Bowman, Community Management Professionals
407 903-9969 Ext. 114

Neighborhood Watch
John Tenney 407-383-3079

Dennis Bode, Webmaster
Sandy & Denny Horazak, CI News Editor
407 207-6557

Handy Numbers
Orange County Sheriff
Non-emergency 407 836-HELP(4357)
Animal Control (unleashed pets, etc.) 407 352-4390
Progress Energy Streetlight Repair 1-800-228-8485


2007 Budget, Fees at September Meeting

The Board plans to present the 2007 Budget and homeowner fees at the September Board meeting.

Even though it's only August, the Board is starting to work on the budget for Cypress Isles, including homeowner fees for 2007. The current plan is to present the budget for approval at the September 19th Board meeting, in plenty of time to print and mail coupon books to homeowners in December.
If budgets are your thing, you are welcome to attend the September 19th meeting at 6:30 at Exit Real Estate, 11555 Lake Underhill Road. If you haven't been to a meeting in a while, everyone is asked to abide by the following rules of conduct.

1. Since homeowner participation has become a more integral part of the Association Board meetings, the former "Open Forum" segment of the agenda will be discontinued. Any homeowner or Board member may address the attendants at any point during the meeting after first requesting and being recognized by the Chair (presiding Board member). The recognized speaker will be allowed the full 3 minutes without interruption, with the exception that the Chair may interrupt to maintain order.
2. Discussions and decisions during a meeting are limited to the items on the agenda that is approved at the start of the meeting. New topics introduced during a meeting will be assigned to agendas for future meetings.
3. Only agenda business will be discussed during a meeting. No personal differences or personal issues will be allowed as part of the discussions. Anyone airing individual differences will forfeit their right to complete their statements.

These rules are designed to ensure that we conduct our meetings fairly, openly, and without the kinds of distractive behaviors that cause tensions.
We hope to see you on September 19th.

As the Clock Turns

Remember last April when we sprang forward and lost that hour of sleep? Well, soon you will be able to regain that hour of lost sleep (supposedly). On Sunday, October 29 at 2 a.m. we return to EST - Eastern Standard Time. This means you will turn your clock BACK one hour. So you can either set your alarm to get up at 2 a.m. and make the change, or do it at a reasonable hour later in the morning, or before you go to bed. No excuses for being late the next day, like when Daylight Saving Time returns in the spring. (yawn) And don't forget to change those smoke alarm batteries, if applicable, and other things you may only do twice a year when the clocks change…

Happy Happy!

Happy Anniversary
August 17 - Bill & Kathi Snook

Happy Birthday:
October 3 - Harold Engold
October 3 - Mary Kranz
October 5 - Mike Kranz

Welcome to the world:
Congratulations to John & Kathleen Tenney on the birth of their daughter -
July 17 - Sophia Katherine Tenney


Cleaning and Sealing Concrete
Cleaning and sealing is better than repeated pressure washing or acid washing.

After the last ARC inspection there were questions about issuing notices to homeowners who had rust stains on their sidewalks or driveways. This we all know is a common problem due to the soil makeup we have here in Florida. Many individuals have taken the time to pressure wash and acid wash those areas of the sidewalk or driveway, only to have the rust return quickly.
To make matters worse, every time you pressure-wash or acid-wash you remove another fine layer of the concrete, which makes the concrete more porous. Thus any chemicals that spill onto the concrete will stain the area much faster and make it more difficult to remove the next time.
After trying all of the same things I mentioned above, I found a solution that works, using products sold by Home Depot.
Clean with BEHR Concrete Etcher & Rust Remover
Seal with H&C Silicone Concrete Sealer / Clear
Cleaning the area with the BEHR product does not remove as much concrete as either pressure-washing or acid-washing would. Once the area has dried, take a paint roller and generously apply the H&C Sealer.
The sealer penetrates well and will close up the open pores of the concrete. Once dried, the sidewalk or driveway does not look any different than it did before, but the sealer will keep rust from adhering to the concrete the next time it rains or the sprinkler is on.
Please share this with any of your neighbors who might be experiencing this problem.

Ron Wiley

Trick or Treat!
Halloween seems like a long way off, but it's really just around the corner and will be here before you can say "Boo!"
Trick or Treat night will be on Tuesday, October 31st (a.k.a. Halloween), starting at 6 PM., ending at 9 P.M., or whenever the treats run out. Turn your porch lights on and meet your neighborhood goblins.
Where to go? I'm glad you asked. Good rule of thumb, or foot, is: Porch light on - go there. Porch light off - don't go there.
Trick-or-treaters: Watch out for vehicles and be extra careful because your costumes can make it hard to see. Carry a flashlight to make it easier for you to see, and for others to see you.
Drivers: Watch out for trick-or-treaters and be extra careful because behind every bag of goodies is an excited child.
Moms and Dads: Those costumes are great; we have no idea who they really are.
Everyone: Don't forget to check those goodies before eating them.

News from WLCA

Board reopens pool, Plans to Protect Greenbelt Areas, and schedules 2007 budget meeting.

WLCA is developing plans to clean up the debris in the recently tainted "greenbelt" / conservation / protected areas under their jurisdiction, and to prevent a recurrence of these problems in the future. The Board is researching areas of jurisdiction and legal remedies for offenders. All Waterford Lakes residents will be informed when the plans are finalized.
Following years of leaking, months of repair, and over $86,000 in expenses, the Waterford Lakes community pool at 453 Mark Twain Boulevard is planned to reopen by the end of August.
WLCA will begin work on its 2007 budget so that it will be ready for approval at their October 23rd Board meeting and allow enough time to print and mail coupon books to all homeowners by the end of 2006. All WLCA residents will receive mailed notices that the budget will be discussed and hopefully approved at the October meeting